熵权法用英语怎么说 熵权法的英语翻译

熵权法的英语是"droit de preseance",还可以翻译为power of detention,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到22个与熵权法相关的翻译和例句。

熵权法用英语怎么说 熵权法的英语翻译

熵权法的英语是"droit de preseance",还可以翻译为power of detention,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到22个与熵权法相关的翻译和例句。

2. droit de preseance([法] 席次权, 位次权)

2. The variations of the ApEn and the correlation dimension were calculated.

3. it is like a living act of entropy.

4. in those cases, we'll examine each determination and perhaps revoke their exemption.

6. Performance Evaluation for Training of Signalman Based on Entropy Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

7. Secondly, the weights were determined adaptively by calculating the entropies of the edges-detected.

8. At common law, the right of re - entry is not alienable, assignable, or devisable.

9. Some call it anti- entropy, some call it negentropy, and a few call it extropy.


10. A research on entropy evaluation model for marketing programs of telecom enterprises based on PiCE pattern

11. After interior-point methods, the dual entropic barrier method is another new algorithm for solving linear programming problem.


12. A new parameter estimation method (POMELM) based on POME and L-moment is proposed in the thesis.


13. French civil law considers priority as a incumbrance, when it inherit Roma law.

14. it's entropy, Lionel, decay.

15. And continue to derive the macroscopic entropy changes.


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