侮辱他人用英语怎么说 侮辱他人英语翻译


侮辱他人用英语怎么说 侮辱他人英语翻译


2. Breaching the social morality or libeling and insulting others.

3. Disorder in the courtroom? The only one who's causing disorder in the courtroom is you!

4. Such insult could never be forgiven.

5. You are a tattered waste of oxygen who bolsters herself with contempt for others.

6. An insult to me is an insult to you.

7. Never abases or debases others, belittle or humiliate others.

8. Reach " barefaced affront other is concoctive perhaps the fact is calumniatory other " wait for case.

9. And an insult to me is an insult to all Greeks.

10. Never abases or debases others, belittle or humiliate others.

11. An insult to me is an insult to the Gods.

12. Now those are fighting words.

13. Some of the guys were bagging' on me.

14. i know insults are insults.

15. Libels and insulting songs to be punished by death.





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