接种环用英语怎么说 接种环的英语翻译

接种环的英语是"  [医] Inoculating loop",还经常被译作  Micro-loop,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到22个与接种环相关的短语翻译和用法。

接种环用英语怎么说 接种环的英语翻译

接种环的英语是"  [医] Inoculating loop",还经常被译作  Micro-loop,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到22个与接种环相关的短语翻译和用法。

示例:You and Mrs. Loops have a big wedding? Loops have a big wedding?

lnoculation Loops & Needles ( 细菌接种环和接种针 )

Inoculation Loops&Needles ( 接种环 接种针 )

Inoculating Loops & Needles ( 接种环与接种针 )

1. You need to get vaccinated.

2. The method states that the strains are inoculated individually. No mixed inoculum is permitted.

6. 'Cause you'd have to get vaccinated for that.

7. She needs an inoculation, but she refuses to take it.

8. inoculum dose and inoculation strategy both significantly influenced biocontrol efficacy.

9. Are we going to see, what, a wider band or a denser band? Yeah, well, it depends on the intensity of the rain.

10. Ophelia was never logged in for the inoculations.

11. You vaccinate all the children in an area.

12. don't play dumb. With the vaccinations.

13. He didn't happen to look like this guy, did he?

14. Heterocycle is always pyrimidine or triazine.

15. We think an inoculation program is our...




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