艾尼用英语怎么说 艾尼的英语翻译

艾尼用英语翻译为"Ayni",还网络中常译为"  Ini Kamoze",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到41个与艾尼相关的译文和例句。

艾尼用英语怎么说 艾尼的英语翻译

艾尼用英语翻译为"Ayni",还网络中常译为"  Ini Kamoze",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到41个与艾尼相关的译文和例句。

ANYSI James Ehnes ENNIS ( 艾尼斯 )

1. Agnes took her in, and Agnes loved her, and Agnes supported her for the year.

译文:艾格尼丝把她带到屋里,艾格尼丝爱她 艾格尼丝一直支持她。

2. Allex Jane Lux, concord g.

3. Jawohl, das ist sie, Herr Dr. Goebbels. (SPEAKiNG FRENCH) Emmanuelle,_BAR_j'aimerais vous presenter quelqu'un.

4. Agnes took her in, and Agnes loved her, and Agnes supported her for the year.

译文:艾格尼丝把她带到屋里,艾格尼丝爱她 艾格尼丝一直支持她。

5. Neve? Uh, Neve, this is Ada.

9. - Elmer, give Danny back his dad's arm.

10. The great Alfred de Vigny!

11. - Ernie Wright here, and Ed Howells.

12. i even got Pledging My Love by Johnny Ace.

13. Were you playing St. Agnes Eve with Miss G last night?

14. Connie, Ed, dinner's ready.

15. - Agnes is very excited to meet you. - She is?


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