守株待兔用英语怎么说 守株待兔英语翻译

守株待兔的英语为"  wait for windfalls",还经常被译作  Down The Rabbit Hole,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到20个与守株待兔相关的短语翻译和用法。

守株待兔用英语怎么说 守株待兔英语翻译

守株待兔的英语为"  wait for windfalls",还经常被译作  Down The Rabbit Hole,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到20个与守株待兔相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. - You kill my mouse. -i knew i'd get him sooner or later. it was just a matter of time, really.

3. i always waited for it to sort of hit me on the head.

4. We hit them as soon as they come back. We'll be prepared, waiting.

5. - He'll be waiting for you.

6. We wait here. Prepare for battle.

7. i had been reduced to somebody who just waits.

8. if they already came here then they'll definitely be waiting for you at the airport.

9. Not just wait for it to solve itself.

10. They just tried to get your partner in his own home.

11. What i'm saying is there's things to do besides sitting here, waiting for him to call us.

译文:我的意思是 我们可以采取主动 而不是在这里守株待兔干等他来电。

12. As i don't know where the lunatic will strike, it seems the practical thing to do is to stay as near as possible to the potential victims.

译文:因为我不知道 那个疯子会袭击哪里 所以最现实的做法, 就是守株待兔。

13. Do you think "Waits for gains without pains" is a good idea?

译文:这种守株待兔有用吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Do you think "Waits for gains without pains" is a good idea。

14. His men are there now waiting for you and your daughter to come home.

15. For the very first time, we know exactly what they want, when they're coming to get it, and they have no idea that we're gonna be waiting for them.


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