穆桂英用英语怎么说 穆桂英的英语翻译

穆桂英的英语是"  as Ivy Po Ling",其次还可以说成"Mu Guiying",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到45个与穆桂英相关的短语释义和例句。

穆桂英用英语怎么说 穆桂英的英语翻译

穆桂英的英语是"  as Ivy Po Ling",其次还可以说成"Mu Guiying",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到45个与穆桂英相关的短语释义和例句。

Lady General Mu Takes Command Peking opera Mu Guiying Takes Command Lady General Mu Takes Command-O( 穆桂英挂帅 )

Battle of Hongzhou City THE BATTLE OF HONGZHOU COUNTY ( 穆桂英大战洪州 )

1. You dare to collaborate with spies... and release the criminal?

2. Yang Wenguang! if you ignore the law and refuse to execute Mu Guiying,

3. Mu Guiying is leading all soldiers... to fight outside the town.

4. The whole troop has collapsed!

5. if you want me to send troops, you should either execute Mu Guiying who usurped the marshalship or execute the assassin Yang Wenguang!

译文:让我出兵没问题 你首先要处斩阵前夺帅的穆桂英 或者处斩刺杀本帅的杨文广。

6. However, you must catch the criminal Mu Guiying first.

7. Mu Guiying has escaped... with less than 3,000 soldiers.

8. Execute your mother... by yourself!


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