总支用英语怎么说 总支的英语翻译

总支的英语为"general branch",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到97个与总支相关的译文和例句。

总支用英语怎么说 总支的英语翻译

总支的英语为"general branch",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到97个与总支相关的译文和例句。

AMS Overall Trade-Distorting Domestic Support aggregate measurement of support ( 境内总支持 )

Student Union General Student Youth League Total student union Mission Support Students General bra( 学生会团总支 )

general branch of cpc ( 学院党总支 )

Sales total expenditure ( 销售总支出 )

Total annual expenditures Annual total expenditure ( 年总支出 )

1. Despite the shifting R&D landscape, 'there's no need for the U. S. to panic, ' said Mr. Duga. instead, he said, 'the U.


2. it covers forty-two per cent in the total group outgoings.

3. Google has to reveal how much they spend, in general, and that lets you put some caps on how many data centers could they be building, because a big data center costs a certain amount of money.

译文:谷歌透露了他们的总支出 那就可以估计 他们可以建立多少个数据中心 因为大的中心需要一定数额的预算。

4. The magnitude of difference between the price of a house and a toaster would skew the "total spend" numbers in favor of your argument.


5. They're already calling him PRO-TUS, which is stupid because both sides have pro at the start.

译文:-life? 他们叫他美国总支持师了 They're already calling him "PRO -TUS,"。

6. The toting anning income of this folks is 8000 yuan.

7. Although his overall popularity slipped again this month, polls suggest that voters approve of his expulsion of the illegal Romanies.


8. in fact, there are some like these: Erskine Bowles, Alan Simpson and others, who have gone through and given proposals for this overall federal health-spending state-level problem.

译文:事实上,这几位: 厄斯金·鲍尔斯,阿兰·辛普森以及其他几位 他们都为州一级的 联邦医疗总支出出谋划策。





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