哄抢用英语怎么说 哄抢的英语翻译

哄抢的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  Loot,在日常中也可以翻译为"open plunder of state-owned goods and materials",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到30个与哄抢相关的译文和例句。

哄抢用英语怎么说 哄抢的英语翻译

哄抢的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  Loot,在日常中也可以翻译为"open plunder of state-owned goods and materials",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到30个与哄抢相关的译文和例句。

哄抢翻译为open plunder of state-owned goods and materials。


No wonder Brazil's ethanol industry is in the midst of a merger-and-acquisition boom as players scramble to grab share.

1. Oklahoma land rush( 俄克拉何马土地哄抢热)

noisily and panicly purchase ( 起哄抢购 )

group-scrambling case ( 群体性哄抢事件 )

1. One looter was killed when the 2 sides exchanged fire.

2. Still, Durov apparently neglected to take personal responsibility for the response and even promised that "definitely, more such actions are to follow. ""


3. Shops were looted and vehicles stoned.

4. One looter was killed when the 2 sides exchanged fire.

5. Barstow has 4 million inhabitants. After the news spread, local residents snapped up bottled water, some restaurants out of business due to lack of water.


6. The prescriptions to solve energy poverty seems pretty straightforward: you develop these technologies that have a great return on investment, and people should be ing them up.

译文:解决能源短缺的对策 似乎十分的简单: 你发明一些能取得 巨大投资回报的科技, 人们就会把它们哄抢一空。

7. Her wines are deep-old truth once again come true market, a real red empurple , not public property, but almost no information on those who were peripheral "indigenous", the industry loot phenomenon.


8. Once you start stacking bodies in the streets, there'll be panic, public disorder, looting, , murder, and that's just for starters.

译文:一旦你开始在街上堆垛尸体 就会造成恐慌 公共秩序混乱 哄抢 凶杀 就接踵而至了。

9. The truck overturned in Sange village while some people tried to gather leaking fuel before it ignited, but most died as their homes caught fire.






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