山毛榉树用英语怎么说 山毛榉树英语翻译


山毛榉树用英语怎么说 山毛榉树英语翻译


2. A single beech in a stand of pine.

3. The insects have hibernated in beech mast on the ground.

4. You couldn't see it from the street, because the home was surrounded by beech trees.

译文:你没法在街道上看到它们,因为这收容所 被山毛榉树重重包围。

5. The September sun was low but warm, the first leaves falling from the chestnuts and beeches.


6. A dark wall of trees—red spruce, balsam fir, beech, hemlock—surrounds you.


7. You have a meeting with the EPA at noon to discuss... - A tree is a tree.

8. Trees and trees and then more trees on top of that.

9. i whittled that out of beechwood.

10. You couldn't see it from the street, because the home was surrounded by beech trees.

译文:你没法在街道上看到它们,因为这收容所 被山毛榉树重重包围。

11. But before then, there are one or two things

12. You'll be OK with their beechwood and horsehair brush for leather.

13. Trees. And trees mean water.

14. Of beechen green, and s numberless.

15. The freshly washed beech leaves...




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