长飞用英语怎么说 长飞的英语翻译

长飞的英语为"erigeron acers",还网络中常译为"Erigeron acer",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到16个与长飞相关的译文和例句。

长飞用英语怎么说 长飞的英语翻译

长飞的英语为"erigeron acers",还网络中常译为"Erigeron acer",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到16个与长飞相关的译文和例句。

3. i would like to fly, but i would like to fly in a

4. Keep going! increase altitude!

5. Also didn't sprout wings and fly.

译文:Lou. 你也没长翅膀飞啊 Also didn't sprout wings and fly.。

6. You want to fly? Let's fly.

7. Fly, my pretties! Fly! Fly!

8. Fly, my pretties! Fly, fly!

9. You can fly, you can fly You can fly

译文:飞啊飞 飞啊飞 You can fly, you can fly You can fly。

10. So whip crack away, whip crack-away Whip crack-away

11. "On and on they flew until they reached the Sea of Possibilities where they could go no further."

12. it doesn't matter. We could go up.

13. The lower beak projects further than the upper, allowing the skimmer to scoop up tiny fish as they fly.

14. Go, go, Atom, so long as your jet lasts.

15. Things that fly; Things that crawl; Things that grow on trees;





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