ecnu是什么意思 ecnu的中文翻译、读音、例句


ecnu是什么意思 ecnu的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇意义方面:'ECNU'指的是华东师范大学(East China Normal University)的缩写,是中国著名的综合性大学之一。这个词汇也可以用于指代该校的师生群体。

- I am currently studying at ECNU in Shanghai.

- ECNU has a strong reputation for its education and research programs.

- She graduated from ECNU with a degree in psychology.

- ECNU's campus is located in the bustling city center of Shanghai.

- The ECNU student body is diverse and inclusive, with students from all over the world.

2. 学术领域方面:ECNU在教育、人文、社会科学、自然科学等多个领域都有很高的学术水平和研究成果,成为了国际上重要的研究中心。

- This research project was conducted in collaboration with ECNU's sociology department.

- ECNU's School of Education is renowned for its innovative teaching methods.

- The international conference hosted by ECNU brought together experts in the field of linguistics.

- The scientific breakthroughs made by ECNU's biology department have received worldwide recognition.

- ECNU's library is home to extensive collections of rare books and mcripts.

3. 教育机构方面:ECNU是一个大型综合性高校,提供本科、研究生、博士等多个层次的教育机会,以及不同领域的学术交流和合作机会。

- ECNU offers a wide range of undergraduate programs in various academic departments.

- Many international students choose to pursue their graduate studies at ECNU.

- As a visiting scholar at ECNU, I had the opportunity to conduct research and collaborate with faculty members.

- ECNU's summer programs attract students from all over the world to study Chinese language and culture.

- The exchange programs between ECNU and other universities provide valuable opportunities for students to broaden their perspectives.


1. At ECNU, I am studying Chinese language and culture in order to better understand the country and people.

2. The research conducted by ECNU scientists has contributed greatly to the fields of biology and chemistry.

3. The campus facilities at ECNU are top-notch, including state-of-the-art laboratories and sports facilities.

4. ECNU's strong alumni network provides valuable connections and networking opportunities for its graduates.

5. The international partnerships established by ECNU have strengthened the university's global reputation and increased academic opportunities for its students.





例句:The main advantages of ECNU-edition experimental teaching materials are: Each chapter and each relatively has clear purpose of teaching, it's easier to grasp the teaching requirements; (华师版实验教材的主要优点有:每章每节的教学目的比较清晰,教学要求较易把握; )


例句:ECNU was founded in October 1951 and is a key institution of higher learning directly under the Ministry of Education. (华东师范大学始建于1951年十月,是教育部管辖的重点高等学府。)


例句:I have lived in Cixi since I graduated from ECNU. (自从华师大毕业后,我一直住在慈溪。)


1. I have lived in Cixi since I graduated from ECNU. (翻译:自从华师大毕业后,我一直住在慈溪。)




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