waged是什么意思 waged的中文翻译、读音、例句


waged是什么意思 waged的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词释:Waged是wage的过去式或过去分词形式,意为“付给(人)工资”或“开展(某种)活动”。

2. 语法用法:Waged作为动词,通常用于被动语态,表示某人收到的工资或某项活动被开展。同时,也可以在现在进行时和过去进行时中使用。

3. 相关短语:Waged war意为“发动战争”;waged a campaign意为“开展一项活动”;waged a battle意为“进行一场战斗”等。

4. 语境运用:Waged常用于对工资或活动的描述,常用于新闻报道、历史文献等语境中。


1. The company has waged a long battle with its workers over pay and benefits. (这家公司与员工关于工资和福利进行了长期的争斗。)

2. The union has waged a successful campaign against workplace harassment. (工会在反对工作场所扰方面取得了成功。)

3. During World War II, Britain waged war against Nazi Germany. (在二战期间,英国对德国发动了战争。)

4. The government has waged a war on drugs for many years. (已经多年在打击方面开展战争。)

5. The employees have waged a strike to demand fair wages and working conditions. (员工们发起,要求公平的工资和工作条件。)



1. The company has a policy of paying all employees a fair waged.


2. The workers waged a fierce strike to protest against the low wages.


3. The two countries have waged war against each other for many years.





例句:In the First Age, she and her dragon armies waged a war to dominate the world, and she was winning. (在第一, 她和她的龙族大军 为主宰世界而发动了一场战争, 而她眼看就要获胜。)


例句:Barfi adds, "It's clear that there's an intimidation campaign being waged against both foreign and domestic media. " (Barfi补充说:“很明显,有一个恐吓运动正在对外国和国内媒体展开。”)


例句:I think Vietnam influenced my view about the importance of nonviolent struggle, and particularly the importance of getting Gene Sharp's ideas out to the rest of the world, because we must have an alternative. Vietnam convinced me that we need to have an alternative to killing people. (但他的经历将改变自己对战争的态度 But his experiences there would change his views on the way conflicts should be waged. 因为我们必须另有选择 because we must have an alternative.)


例句:America waged a brutal war against Muslim Moros of the Philippines. (翻译:美国对菲律宾信仰教的摩洛人发动了野蛮的战争。)


waged一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在unclaimed waged([经] 未领工资)等常见短语中出现较多。

unclaimed waged[经] 未领工资


1. I think Vietnam influenced my view about the importance of nonviolent struggle, and particularly the importance of getting Gene Sharp's ideas out to the rest of the world, because we must have an alternative. Vietnam convinced me that we need to have an alternative to killing people. (翻译:但他的经历将改变自己对战争的态度 But his experiences there would change his views on the way conflicts should be waged. 因为我们必须另有选择 because we must have an alternative.)

2. America waged a brutal war against Muslim Moros of the Philippines. (翻译:美国对菲律宾信仰教的摩洛人发动了野蛮的战争。)

3. I wondered if there was still a war being waged above me... if man would still exist when I saw the sun again. (翻译:不知道我上方是否仍然战争 地球上是否还有人类)

4. Knights waged constant war on each other by trying to kill as many of each other's peasants as possible. (翻译:骑士们不断地 以杀尽对手的农名来向对方宣战。)

5. It's broken down because there is, believe it or not, in Washington, a war on science -- despite the fact that in all of human history, every time anyone has waged a war on science, science has won. (翻译:因为,不管你信不信 在华盛顿,竟然还有人和科学宣战-- 尽管事实上在所有人类历史中, 若有任何人向科学宣战, 科学都会获得最后的胜利。)

6. The Party organization in the Red Army has already waged struggles against putschism, but not yet to a sufficient extent. (翻译:红军对盲动主义已经做了斗争,但尚不充分。)

7. Because Moscow was so far from the coast, no Czar had called for a navy. No Czar had waged war at sea. (翻译:莫斯科距海遥远,因此历任沙皇都没有组建过海军,也都没有发动过海上战争。)

8. She could muster an army, take the field and wage a war against me as fierce as any her mother Isabella ever waged in Spain. (翻译:她可以召集一个 占领一方土地 She could muster an army,take the field 然后对我发动战争 and wage a war against me 就像她的母亲伊莎贝拉在西班牙曾发动的战争 as fierce as any her mother Isabella ever waged in Spain.)

9. He claims that both his parents were killed in 1978 during the height of the guerrilla war waged against the UDI regime. (翻译:他的父母在1978年反对UDI政权而发动的游击战中被杀。)

10. The Judas gospel vividly reflects the struggle waged long ago between the Gnostics and the hierarchical church. (翻译:犹大福音生动地反映了在诺斯替主义与教阶化的教会之间长期的斗争。)

11. Certainly they didn't know they were on the front lines of a global war being waged under their drooping eyes. (翻译:当然,他们不知道,就在睡眼惺忪之际,自己竟处在了一场正在进行的全球战争的第一线。)

12. ... granted the Statute in March 1848 and the same month waged war against Austria. (翻译:1848年3月颁布法典 同月与奥地利开战)

13. Over the past few decades, Americans have waged political war as if all that matters is the amount of money going into federal coffers. (翻译:过去几十年,美国人发动了一些斗争,对他们来说似乎除了进入国库的金钱数额之外,其他什么都不重要。)

14. It will be a war more total than anything we have waged thus far in the fight against extremism. (翻译:这场战争所波及的范围 将远超此前 我们发动的任何一场反恐战争)

15. and part-time, minimum-waged, pensionless, casual jobs. (翻译:而兼职工作工资最低,没能保险金,工作也是临时的。)




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