solstice是什么意思 solstice的中文翻译、读音、例句


solstice是什么意思 solstice的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. (冬至标志着北半球一年中的白天最短、夜晚最长。)

2. In ancient times, people celebrated the summer solstice as a time of fertility and new beginnings. (在古代,人们将夏至作为丰收和新的开始的时刻来庆祝。)




例句:Bernice Acosta and other enthusiasts perform yoga in Times Square during an event marking the summer solstice on June 21, in New York City. (博尼斯阿克斯塔和其他的瑜伽发烧友一同在纽约市的时代广场上表演瑜伽,迎接夏至的到来。)


例句:"We're aware it happens on the summer solstice day, " McCorkle said. (“我们现在已经知道远足发生在夏至日,”塔米托德说。)


例句:In the Han Dynasty (206bc — 220ad), "Lari" fell on the day three weeks after Winter Solstice, which was actually hard to pin down or remember. (汉代,确定冬至后的第三个戌日为“腊日”,不过具体日期还是很难计算,也不好记。)


例句:At dawn, three weeks before the winter solstice, the last tendrils of fog curled gray against the pinking sky over a sand dune on the eastern edge of the Namib Desert. (翻译:就在冬至前三周,晨曦时分,大沙漠的东边的沙丘上,最后一缕灰色的晨雾衬着粉色的天空蜿蜒屈曲。)


solstice一般作为名词使用,如在June solstice(夏至)、solstice tide(至点潮)、summer solstice(夏至)等常见短语中出现较多。

June solstice夏至
solstice tide至点潮
summer solstice夏至
summer solstice?夏至
the summer solsticen. 夏至,中国24节气之一
the winter solstice一阳生
winter solstice冬至
winter solstice?冬至


1. In the Han Dynasty (206bc — 220ad), "Lari" fell on the day three weeks after Winter Solstice, which was actually hard to pin down or remember. (翻译:汉代,确定冬至后的第三个戌日为“腊日”,不过具体日期还是很难计算,也不好记。)

2. At dawn, three weeks before the winter solstice, the last tendrils of fog curled gray against the pinking sky over a sand dune on the eastern edge of the Namib Desert. (翻译:就在冬至前三周,晨曦时分,大沙漠的东边的沙丘上,最后一缕灰色的晨雾衬着粉色的天空蜿蜒屈曲。)

3. The letter included this fact that stuck in Eratosthenes' mind, and the fact was that the writer said, at noon on the solstice, when he looked down this deep well, he could see his reflection at the bottom, and he could also see that his head was blocking the sun. (翻译:信中的一个事实在埃拉托斯特尼的脑中挥之不去, 写信的人说在夏至的正午时分, 当他向一口深井望下去的时候, 他可以看到井底的倒影,并发现他的头 正遮挡着太阳。)

4. He must return the bolt to me in 14 days, by midnight on the summer solstice, (翻译:14天内他必须把闪电火还给我 期限到夏至午夜前)

5. Canyon on that dagger stick that comes down at the time of the solstice? (翻译:查克峡谷的阳光上吗? 你觉得印第安人会观察它?)

6. The alias of Semen Leonuri is Spica Prunellae in records, and the withered Semen Leonuri after the summer solstice is also Herba Lagopsis. (翻译:凡记载茺蔚别名夏枯,或茺蔚夏至后即枯的均指夏至草。)

7. It was an astronomical calculator aligned on the axis... of the summer and winter solstice. (翻译:它还是天文测算工具 位于夏至和冬至的交线上)

8. She used to believe she could talk to the dead... especially around the solstice. (翻译:她过去常常相信 她可以和死者交谈 ... 特别是在这里周遭。)

9. - You know what they say about the solstice- about spirits crossing over, that kind of thing. (翻译:-当然。-你知道,他们是怎样评论夏至节 关于情绪交错,那事情。)

10. It was the day of the summer solstice, and the Nibelungen arrived at Attila's court. (翻译:在夏至的前一天,尼伯龙根人抵达了匈奴王的宫殿)

11. As noted, Vishnu is said to "rise" at the winter solstice, which is a sort of rebirth common in the stories of sun gods. (翻译:正如所说,毗湿奴据说是在冬至日“”,又是某种太阳神重新的普遍故事。)

12. The fact that this occurs on the eve of the summer solstice left me wondering. (翻译:这件事恰好发生在夏至前夜 这一巧合不禁让我想到)

13. We'll take them to the solstice celebration. (翻译:我会带她们 和我们一起去庆祝魔法节 不...)

14. Exotics : Ginger, Irish Green , Oolong, Green Tango, African Solstice, White Ambrosia, 1 infuser of each. (翻译:异国风情装:姜茶,爱尔兰绿茶,乌龙茶,绿探戈茶,非洲如意茶,安布罗西亚茶。每种1粒。)

15. Yeah, probably Holdenacar god of the winter solstice. (翻译:有可能是Hold Nickar,冬至之神)






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