sumame是什么意思 sumame的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


sumame是什么意思 sumame的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

'sumame' 不是一个现有的英语单词,也没有明确的定义和用法。因此,无法从词义、词性、词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等方面介绍它。


1. Some may say that success is all about hard work and dedication. (有些人可能会说成功只与勤奋和奉献有关。)

2. Surname is the family name or last name of a person. (姓氏是一个人的家庭名或姓。)

3. The summit of the mountain was covered in snow. (山顶被雪覆盖。)

4. The summer came with a heatwave, it unbearable to go outside. (夏天来了,伴随着一股热浪,令人无法忍受地去室外活动。)

5. His sumptuous dinner included lobster and champagne. (他豪华的晚餐包括龙虾和香槟。)

6. The summary of the report highlighted the main findings and recommendations. (报告摘要强调了主要发现和建议。)

7. Some animals are known to be nocturnal, meaning they are active at night. (有些动物被认为是夜行性的,意味着它们在夜间活跃。)

"sumame" 不是一个有效的英语单词,也没有确定的翻译、发音或例句。请提供更多上下文信息,以便进行正确的翻译。




例句:Add values in a range based on a single criteria by using the SUMIF, or SUM and IF functions (使用SUMIF或SUM和IF函数根据一个条件将区域中的值相加)


1. The sum of them: 52 million dollars. (翻译:而这些项目的成本总和是:5200万美元。)

2. The player has asked for an astronomical sum. (翻译:那位球星的开价是个天文数字 The player has asked for an astronomical sum.)

3. railroads... sushi...dim sum. (翻译:铁路 寿司 点心 {\3cH202020}railroads... sushi... dim sum.)

4. I have no doubt that it sells well based on the sum you offered me. (翻译:我不怀疑, 从你提供的金额看来 那的确卖得不错)

5. How do we define our national interests so that it's not just zero sum, but positive sum. (翻译:思考如何定义国家利益 这样它就不再是零和, 而是正和。)

6. Nanofluids are better conductors than the sum of their parts. (翻译:纳米流体是比其组成元素各部分总和更佳的良导体。)

7. That's a funny thing to remember about a man, I suppose, but it seems to sum Andy up for me. (翻译:我知道关于一个男人,有这样的印象很可笑,但这确是他给我的总体感觉。)

8. a new bien venu or sum for drink, being five shillings, was demanded of me by the compositors. (翻译:排字工人却要我重新付一笔陋规或是一笔五先令的酒费。)

9. Theold man was offered a large sum of money. (翻译:这位老人获得了一大笔钱。)

10. Add values in a range based on multiple criteria by using the SUMIFS, or SUM and IF functions (翻译:使用SUMIFS或SUM和IF函数根据多个条件将区域中的值相加)

11. It must have cost a tidy sum. (翻译:这准花了相当大的一笔钱。)

12. The sum was paid ex gratia. (翻译:这是所付的一笔特惠款。)

13. And the sum you ask is unreasonable (翻译:而你们提出来的价钱是不合理的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}And the sum you ask is unreasonable)

14. Would you believe me if I name a sum that seems the probable minimum? (翻译:如果我说出个可能的最低价 你会相信我吗?)

15. Mrs Brandley is to be paid a large sum of money to introduce me to society. (翻译:他们付给布兰德利太太一大笔钱以引荐我进入上流社会 Mrs Brandley is to be paid a large sum of money to introduce me to society.)




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