calculators是什么意思 calculators的中文翻译、读音、例句


calculators是什么意思 calculators的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:计算器(计算机)的简称。

2. 用途:用于进行数学和科学计算。

3. 类型:普通计算器(如加减乘除),科学计算器(如三角函数、指数、对数),金融计算器(如复利、折旧),图形计算器等。

4. 历史:计算器最早源于中国的算盘,发展到现代的电子计算器和计算机。

5. 发展:计算器的发展趋势为更高的计算能力、更小的体积和更智能的功能。


1. Please bring your calculator to the exam tomorrow. (请明天带上你的计算器参加考试。)

2. The scientific calculator can perform trigonometric functions. (这个科学计算器可以进行三角函数计算。)

3. Financial calculators can help you calculate loan payments. (金融计算器的功能是帮助你计算贷款还款。)

4. Graphing calculators are commonly used in high school math cl. (图形计算器是高中数学课堂中常用的工具。)

5. The first electronic calculator was invented in the 1960s. (首台电子计算器于20世纪60年代问世。)





1. I always keep a calculator in my bag for quick calculations.


2. Students are not allowed to use calculators during the exam.





例句:Cryptographers are deeply interested in things that calculators can't do. (密码学家对计算器无法 做到的事情深感兴趣。)


例句:They say calculators give students more time to understand and solve problems -- and to develop a better sense of what numbers mean. (他们说,计算器给学生很多时间理解和解决问题,以及更好地理解数字的含义。)


calculators一般作为名词使用,如在graphing calculators([网络] 画图计算器)、hand calculators([计] 手动计算器)、isotope calculators(同位素计算器)等常见短语中出现较多。

graphing calculators[网络] 画图计算器
hand calculators[计] 手动计算器
isotope calculators同位素计算器
machine calculators[经] 机动计算器
overflow in calculators计算器溢位
pocket calculators袖珍计算器;便携式计算器
programmble calculators可程序规划计算器
scientific calculators[网络] 科学计算机
underflow in calculators计算器中之下溢


1. Lots of calculations -- we got really close to our calculators. (翻译:计算量非常大—— 我们的效率都快接近计算器了。)

2. While my colleagues still treated computers as big calculators, I started to teach computers to learn. (翻译:当我的同学们依然拿 电脑作为大型计算器使用 我已经开始思考如何教电脑学习 )

3. We've been looking at numbers and objects that are far more exotic and far more abstract than the ones that you and I are used to, like the ones on our calculators. (翻译:我们一直在看那些 比你我习惯所见更加奇特的, 比计算器上的那些抽象得多的 数字和对象。)

4. We gave them calculators, turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation. (翻译:我们给他们的计算器,在打开电视,离开教学的教师和放假回家。)

5. AB: Multiply 22 times 47, make sure you get 1,034, or the calculators are not working. Do all of you get 1,034? 1,034? (翻译:阿瑟:把22 乘以47,确认下计算器是否得到1034, 否则它工作不正常。你们都算出1034了吗? 1034?)

6. There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum. (翻译:在大学学费计算器里输入数据,然后对着网络吐出来的六位数倒抽一口气——很少有其他在线活动比这种活动更能让人清醒了。)

7. The Didactical Challenge of Symbolic Calculators Turning a Computational Device into a Mathematical Instrument (翻译:符号运算的挑战:将一个计算设备变成一个数学仪器)

8. To make matters worse, your devices and calculators are all malfunctioning, so you only have a few minutes to work it out by hand. (翻译:更糟糕的是, 你的设备和计算器都出故障了, 你只有几分钟的时间手动计算。)

9. - Other computers are just pocket calculators by comparison. (翻译:其他的电脑,相形之下 只能算是口袋型计算器)

10. AB: 25. Now, the way we can square on most calculators -- let me demonstrate with this one -- is by taking the number, such as five, hitting "times" and then "equals," and on most calculators that will give you the square. (翻译:阿瑟: 25。现在,我们计算平方的方式在大多计算器上 -- 还是让我来演示下这个 -- 选个数字,比如说5. 点击 ‘乘号’然后 ‘等号。’ 然后大多数计算器会算出平方。)

11. So, since we've reached the limits of our calculators -- what's that? Does yours go -- Woman: I don't know. (翻译:好吧,既然我们已经超越计算器的计算能力 -- 什么?你的可以 -- 女士:我不知道。)

12. AB: Multiply 22 times 47, make sure you get 1,034, or the calculators are not working. (翻译:阿瑟:把22 乘以47,确认下计算器是否得到1034, 否则它工作不正常。你们都算出1034了吗? )

13. Now, I would attempt to square a five-digit number -- and I can -- but unfortunately most calculators cannot. (翻译:现在,我很想试着平方一个5位数--我可以--但可惜大多数计算器不能。)

14. As you will know in the inclosed catalog, we have established here for more than twenty years as exporters of Calculators. (翻译:从所附目录中可以看到,作为计算器出口经销商,我们在此地的分支机构已成立二十余年。)

15. So, since we've reached the limits of our calculators -- what's that? (翻译:好吧,既然我们已经超越计算器的计算能力 -- 什么?你的可以 -- )




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