outshine是什么意思 outshine的中文翻译、读音、例句


outshine是什么意思 outshine的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 比较


- His performance on the field outshone his teammates.

- Her artwork outshines that of her peers.

2. 成就


- His latest novel outshines all his previous works.

- She outshone herself at the piano recital.

3. 受欢迎程度


- The new restaurant outshines all the others in town.

- She outshone the other candidates in the election.

4. 突出表现


- Her singing outshone all the other performers at the concert.

- His technical skills outshone the rest of the team's during the project.

5. 光芒


- The diamond on her finger outshone everything else in the room.

- The Christmas lights on the house outshine those of the neighbors.


1. The new intern outshone all the other candidates in the interview process.(新的实习生在面试过程中表现得比其他候选人更出色)

2. The new smartphone outshines its compes in both design and performance.(新智能手机的设计和性能都超过了竞争对手)

3. The young actress outshone the veteran cast members with her natural talent.(年轻的女演员以其自然的才华超越了老牌演员阵容)

4. The sun setting behind the mountain range outshines everything else in the sky.(夕阳落在山脉后,将天空中的其他一切都映衬得黯然失色)

5. The Olympic gold medalist from the small town outshone all others at the welcoming parade.(来自小镇的奥运会金牌得主在欢迎中比其他人表现得更出色)




1. Her talent outshines all the other contestants. (她的才能比其他选手更出色。)

2. The new restaurant is starting to outshine the old one. (新餐厅开始比旧餐厅更出色了。)

3. The star player's skill on the field outshines his off-field behavior. (明星球员在球场上的技术比他在场外的行为更出色。)




例句:Mr. Kern took a look at you and Charlene, and he figured that if he couldn't outshine the new girl, he'd find some way to become her. (Kern先生看了一眼你和Charlene 他觉得他要是不能超越这个新宠儿 他可以试着变成她)


例句:Compared with the modes of other enterprises, that of the family enterprises outshine . (家族企业模式与其他企业组织形式相比具有独特的优劣势。)


例句:You know, being a mother myself I've made mistakes That rival if not outshine your own. And I forgive you. (你知道,我也犯过错误,跟你比有过之而无不及。所以我原谅你。)

4.相形见绌 、奥特山

例句:Jesse has begun to outshine me in sports. (翻译:杰西开始在体育上使我相形见绌。)


1. You know, being a mother myself I've made mistakes That rival if not outshine your own. And I forgive you. (翻译:你知道,我也犯过错误,跟你比有过之而无不及。所以我原谅你。)

2. Jesse has begun to outshine me in sports. (翻译:杰西开始在体育上使我相形见绌。)

3. A glimpse of the true scale of Constantine's vision for a Christian Rome, a new Jerusalem with churches to outshine the ancient imperial buildings of the Roman past. (翻译:可以使我们略窥君士坦丁心目 中的教罗马的真正规模: 一座新耶路撒冷! 它的教堂将令 罗马以往的帝国建筑相形见绌。)

4. Try to avoid the mistakes mentioned above so that you outshine as a website designer. (翻译:尽量避免以上提到的错误,这样,作为饿哦一个网站设计师你会大放异彩。)

5. Such a laser would produce a flash that for an instant could outshine a star. (翻译:这种激光会产生瞬间超过星星的闪光。)

6. You know Mr Wren builds him a palace in Winchester to outshine Versailles? And there he means to rule, absolute and arbitrary, like the Sun King. (翻译:to outshine Versailles? 就像太阳王 like the Sun King.)

7. A supernova can outshine an entire galaxy, releasing trillions of times the energy of our Sun. (翻译:超新星的亮度可以超过整个星系 释放的能量是太阳的数万亿倍)

8. I'm not gonna lie, I mean, I kinda like knowing that when I win, not only I outshine them on stage, but then off stage. (翻译:我不会说谎, 我的意思是,我还挺喜欢知道 当我赢了, 不仅我胜过他们 阶段,但随后起飞阶段。)

9. You easily outshine the brightest stars (翻译:You easily outshine the brightest stars)

10. Oh, this is perfect I want you to see the kimono I'll be wearing I can't outshine what Ritsuko's wearing, right? (翻译:你来得正好 想让你看看婚礼穿的和服 要是比律子花俏就糟了)

11. As for the retainers, down to the very last lackey and coolie, each one tried to outshine the other in cleanliness and smart attire. (翻译:至于家臣,下降到最后奴才和苦力,每一个试图脱颖而出,在清洁及智能服装。)

12. And I have no hesitation in saying it will completely outshine your brilliant performances. (翻译:而我毫不犹豫地说, 这表演会绝对 - - 超越你们的上佳表演.)

13. In that way, our star had extra energy to outshine the rest of the galaxy in brightness and gamma ray emission. (翻译:渐渐地,我们的恒星有了额外的能量, 在亮度与伽马射线释放量的上 比银河系其他部分更耀眼。)

14. He's always enhancing you, he's lifting you up, but he'll never outshine you. (翻译:他总是在加强你的演奏 烘托你 但是却绝不喧宾夺主)






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