unethical是什么意思 unethical的中文翻译、读音、例句


unethical是什么意思 unethical的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:unethical behavior(不道德行为),unethical practice(不道德实践),unethical decision(不道德决定)



1. It is unethical to leak confidential information about a client without their consent.(泄露客户机密信息而没有得到他们的同意是不道德的。)

2. The company was accused of carrying out unethical business practices.(公司被指控进行不道德的商业行为。)

3. The scientist's research was considered unethical due to the cruel treatment of animals.(由于残酷对待动物,这位科学家的研究被认为是不道德的。)

4. The journalist's actions were deemed unethical by her colleagues.(这位记者的行为被同事们认为是不道德的。)

5. It is unethical for doctors to receive gifts from pharmaceutical companies in exchange for prescribing their medications.(医生接受药企礼品以换取开药方是不道德的。)

英 [ʌnˈeθɪkəl] 美 [ʌnˈɛθɪkəl]



1. It would be unethical to use this information for personal gain.


2. The company has been accused of engaging in unethical business practices.





例句:Well, I probably am, too, but there's something kind of unethical about it, isn't there? (好吧 我大概也是 但是有些事不光彩 不是吗)


例句:Bribes and corruption have both a demand and a supply side, with the supply side being mostly of greedy corporate unethical businesses and hapless common man. (贿赂和是供求的双方。供给的一方常常是 贪婪而又不道德的企业 以及不幸的普通人。)


例句:"Ndlovu was asked to reveal his sources, of which he said it was unethical for him as a journalist to disclose his sources," Tshuma was quoted as saying. (“诺德乌被要求透露他的消息来源,”引述图玛的话说。)


例句:We've run other studies, finding that wealthier individuals are more likely to lie in negotiations, to endorse unethical behavior at work, like stealing cash from the cash register, taking bribes, lying to customers. (翻译:我们还做了其它研究并发现 越有钱的人越有可能在谈判中说谎 赞同工作中的不道德行为 比如从收银台偷现金 受贿,忽悠顾客等 )


unethical一般作为形容词使用,如在unethical behavior([网络] 不合伦理行为;不道德行为)、unethical conduct([财]不道德行为)等常见短语中出现较多。

unethical behavior[网络] 不合伦理行为;不道德行为
unethical conduct[财]不道德行为


1. "Ndlovu was asked to reveal his sources, of which he said it was unethical for him as a journalist to disclose his sources," Tshuma was quoted as saying. (翻译:“诺德乌被要求透露他的消息来源,”引述图玛的话说。)

2. We've run other studies, finding that wealthier individuals are more likely to lie in negotiations, to endorse unethical behavior at work, like stealing cash from the cash register, taking bribes, lying to customers. (翻译:我们还做了其它研究并发现 越有钱的人越有可能在谈判中说谎 赞同工作中的不道德行为 比如从收银台偷现金 受贿,忽悠顾客等 )

这我做不到 让一个病人知道另一个病人的治疗方法是不道德的事情)

4. It can be expensive, not feasible, unethical, or, frankly, just not possible to do such a thing. (翻译:这很昂贵,[很难], 不正当, 或者坦白说,就是没可能做这样的事情。)

5. As it would be unethical to experiment on humans, his team used the nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans. (翻译:因为对人体进行该实验是不道德的,研究小组选择了蠕虫。)

6. People no longer vivisect animals — it's considered unethical. (翻译:人们不再解剖动物,因为这被认为是不道德的。)

7. Is video piracy more unethical than advertising at funerals? (翻译:您不认为用葬礼招广告 和卖盗版VCD都是不道德的行为吗?)

8. That you would ask a judge to discuss a case right before trial is highly unethical, and you know it, Tom. (翻译:关于一位可能在BJ Knockers 做侍应生的女孩 在庭审前和法官讨论案情 是非常不对的 而且你知道 Tom)

9. What is it about Ghana that produces leaders that are unethical or unable to solve problems?" (翻译:加纳是怎样制造出那些 不道德的不能解决问题的领导者的?)

10. What good is it to build a zero-carbon, energy efficient complex, when the labor producing this architectural gem is unethical at best? (翻译:建造一个零炭平衡,能耗率高的建筑结构的同时 创造这个奇迹的的劳动力, 却受到极为不符道义的对待, 又有什么实在意义呢 )

11. Bribes and corruption have both a demand and a supply side, with the supply side being mostly of greedy corporate unethical businesses and hapless common man. (翻译:贿赂和是供求的双方。供给的一方常常是 贪婪而又不道德的企业 以及不幸的普通人。)

12. AIU for 'ain't I unethical?' There you are. "— Craig ferguson." (翻译:AIU是‘我不道德吗’,你看这事。)

13. The hidden nature of the network, leading to unethical behavior and adolescent increase in illegal and criminal activities. (翻译:网络的隐蔽性,导致青少年不道德行为和犯罪行为增多。)

14. I figure it's kind of unethical to listen in to my family and my friends, my boss. (翻译:我觉得偷听我的家人 我的朋友 我的老板是不道德的)

15. You know I can't answer that, Robby. It's unethical. (翻译:罗比,你知道我不可以回答那些问题,那有违职业道德)




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