plm是什么意思 plm的中文翻译、读音、例句

plm的中文解释是"矿物质、非脂干物质",还经常被翻译为产品生命周期管理,发音是[美 ],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到22个与plm相关的近义词和例句。

plm是什么意思 plm的中文翻译、读音、例句

plm 不是一个常见的词汇,但它可以有多种含义和用法,以下是其可能的解释:


1. Product Lifecycle Management(产品生命周期管理)-是一种涵盖产品设计、生产、发布、销售、维护等全过程的综合管理方法。


1. 缩写词


1. PLM software(PLM 软件)

2. PLM system(PLM 系统)

3. PLM solution(PLM 解决方案)



P-L-M (读作 pi-ˈel-ˈem)


1. The company uses PLM software to manage the entire product lifecycle from concept to disposal.(公司使用 PLM 软件来管理从概念到报废的整个产品生命周期。)

2. PLM system can help companies reduce the risk of errors and delays in product development.(PLM 系统可以帮助公司减少产品开发中的错误和延误风险。)

3. The main goal of implementing PLM solution is to improve product quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency.(实施 PLM 解决方案的主要目标是提高产品质量,降低成本,提高效率。)

4. The PLM industry is growing rapidly as more and more companies realize its benefits.(随着越来越多的公司意识到 PLM 的好处,PLM 行业正在迅速增长。)

5. PLM software can provide real-time data and insights into all aspects of product development, enabling better decision-.(PLM 软件可以提品开发各个方面的实时数据和洞见,从而实现更好的决策。)

6. The success of a company's product depends on its ability to effectively manage the entire product lifecycle, and PLM plays a crucial role in this process.(公司产品的成功取决于其有效管理整个产品生命周期的能力,而 PLM 在这一过程中起着至关重要的作用。)

7. PLM can help companies streamline their supply chain, reduce time to market, and improve customer satisfaction.(PLM 可以帮助公司简化供应链,缩短上市时间,提高客户满意度。)


读音:pǐ lún guǎn lǐ


Translation: Many large manufacturing companies use PLM to manage their product lifecycle, in order to optimize the production process and improve product quality.




例句:Starting with release 3.0, Engineering Collaboration MCAD connectors can work with the PLM Design data model only. This chapter descriptions using ec with the Design data model. (从3.0版本开始,工程协同MCAD连接器只能使用PLM设计数据模型。这章只描述用EC操作设计对象模型。)


例句:PLM – product data management first! (PLM —— 产品数据管理首当其冲! )


例句:How PLM will manage data? (PLM将如何管理数据? )


例句:Therefore, his vision of PLM is a combination of "platform capabilities" and a diverse set of applications. (翻译:因此,他对未来PLM的景愿是将它作为平台的优势和多样化的应用结合起来。)


1. How PLM will manage data? (翻译:PLM将如何管理数据? )

2. Therefore, his vision of PLM is a combination of "platform capabilities" and a diverse set of applications. (翻译:因此,他对未来PLM的景愿是将它作为平台的优势和多样化的应用结合起来。)

3. In my view, traditional PLMs found themselves in the "single repository" mouse trap by trying to integrate everything in a single database. (翻译:我觉得,为了将所有东西都集成到一个单一数据库里,传统PLM已经陷入“单一库存”的圈套脱不开身。)

4. PLM vendors are trying to tap into cloud delivery by introducing focused applications or product. (翻译:PLM供应商都在极力开发集中式的应用程序和产品,试图借此踏入云端。)

5. And they said, you know, "Jamie, PLM, can you guys tell us whether this works or not?" (翻译:而后,他们说,“吉米,PLM? 你们能不能告诉我们这个药到底有没有用?”)

6. We are receiving reports from Purma that the rebel PLM forces are in disarray. (翻译:我们收到来自博玛国的报告 武装PLM的... 内部开始混乱)

7. And they said, you know, "Jamie, PLM, can you guys tell us whether this works or not?" (翻译:而后,他们说,“吉米,PLM? 你们能不能告诉我们这个药到底有没有用?” )

8. According to Autodesk, most of PLM implementations today are about data management. (翻译:据Autodesk称,如今大部分PLM实施都跟数据管理相关。)

9. The rebel forces, the PLM, controlled the North of the country the government forces the South (翻译:PLM窃濂讽秶賸弊模腔控窒华源 淉葬濂勦采婓鳅源)

10. You can find another example of similar functionality in the product called HD3D supplied Siemens PLM. (翻译:你也可以从一款名叫HD3D的西门子PLM产品中找到相似的功能范例。)

11. From PLM point of view each of these configurations represents a separate part and therefore need ss separate Design object in PLM . (翻译:从PLM的角度看,这些配置中的每个代表一个独立的物件所以需要独立的设计对象在PLM中。)

12. When the PLM rose to power last month, he found himself a heartbeat away. (翻译:而上个月 当自由党争夺到政权时 他离总统职位只有一息之隔)

13. In my view, these two trends are notable if you think about where PLM innovation is going these days. (翻译:在我看来,如果你开始思考PLM创新将何去何从的话,那么这两大趋势是显而易见的。)

14. The preferences will be saved into a MCAD-CONFIG file folder object in PLM if the current user is a member of the admin group . (翻译:首选项将会保存到PLM的MCAD-CONFIG文件夹对象中若是当前的用户是经管员组的。)

15. The products were characterized by IR, DSC as well as PLM and found that they were crystalline with large size spherulites. (翻译:DSC和偏光显微镜测定表明,它们是球晶较大的结晶性高聚物。)


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