flaky是什么意思 flaky的中文翻译、读音、例句


flaky是什么意思 flaky的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Flaky 通常用于形容人或事物,指的是不可靠的,不值得信赖的,表现不稳定的。也可以用于形容食品,指的是脆的,容易掉屑的。



1. flaky pastry:易碎的酥皮糕点。

2. flaky skin:干燥龟裂的皮肤。

3. flaky personality:表现不稳定的个性。

4. flaky friend:不可靠的朋友。

5. flaky behavior:不可信赖的行为。

6. flaky connection:不稳定的连接。

7. flaky work:不可靠的工作。


flake out:意为“昏倒,累垮,猝死”。可用于形容精神、体力极度疲惫而倒下的情况。

例句:After working for 48 hours straight, he finally flaked out on the couch.(连续工作48小时后,他终于倒在了沙发上。)

发音拼写: /ˈfleɪki/


1. He's a bit flaky, so I don't know if he'll actually show up.(他有点不可靠,所以我不知道他会不会真的出现。)

2. The pie crust was too flaky and kept falling apart.(馅饼的酥皮太易碎,总是碎成了渣。)

3. I can't count on her – she's always so flaky with her schedule.(我不能依赖她——她的日程总是不可靠。)

4. His flaky behavior caused the team to lose the game.(他不可信赖的行为导致了球队输掉了比赛。)

5. The old warehouse had a flaky roof that leaked every time it rained.(旧仓库的屋顶很容易脱落,每次下雨都会漏水。)

6. She's a flaky friend who always cancels plans at the last minute.(她是一个不可靠的朋友,总是在最后一刻取消计划。)






1. My boss is so flaky, I never know if he'll show up to a meeting or not. (我的老板非常靠不住,我从不知道他是否会来参加会议。)

2. Don't be so flaky and cancel plans last minute. (不要那么不可靠,临时取消计划。)




例句:In Pigeon Square, I perch at a small table to eat flaky borek stuffed with cheese and spinach. (在鸽子广场我坐在一张小桌边上,吃着包有奶酪和菠菜的薄饼。)


例句:He wondered if the idea wasn't just a little too flaky, a little too outlandish. (他怀疑这个想法不仅仅是有点太古怪、而且还有点离奇。)


例句:Montmorillonite dispersed in PP matrix in the form of intercalation, only a little was in the form of flaky texture. (蒙脱土在PP基体中主要以插层形式存在,同时存在少量的剥离结构。)


例句:The steam that was bubbling inside evaporates, leaving behind airy pockets that make the cookie light and flaky. (翻译:沸腾的水滴蒸发 留下一个个小坑 使得饼干又薄又脆 )


flaky一般作为形容词使用,如在flaky cleae(片状解理)、flaky crystal(片状结晶)、flaky grain(片状颗粒)等常见短语中出现较多。

flaky cleae片状解理
flaky crystal片状结晶
flaky grain片状颗粒
flaky graphite[化] 薄片状石墨; 鳞状石墨
flaky material片状材料
flaky mica云母片
flaky particle片状颗粒
flaky pastryn. 酥饼,千层酥饼
flaky resin片状树脂,粉状树脂


1. Montmorillonite dispersed in PP matrix in the form of intercalation, only a little was in the form of flaky texture. (翻译:蒙脱土在PP基体中主要以插层形式存在,同时存在少量的剥离结构。)

2. The steam that was bubbling inside evaporates, leaving behind airy pockets that make the cookie light and flaky. (翻译:沸腾的水滴蒸发 留下一个个小坑 使得饼干又薄又脆 )

3. It's not uncommon for 40-something women to develop actinic keratosis-dry, red, flaky spots, often on the forehead, cheeks, or nose, Dr.Goldenberg says. (翻译:Goldenberg医生说,对于40多岁的女人来说,出现光化性角质病真是再平常不过了,这种病包括额头、脸颊或鼻子上出现干燥、、色斑的情况。)

4. Yeah, uh, he's been real flaky lately... and I'm just not sure that he's the calibre person... that we would want for upper management. (翻译:是的,他近来的确不同寻常... 不能肯定 他是上级管理层所需要的人才)

5. It could be that your partners are being flaky or you could be the undependable one. (翻译:这可能是您的合作伙伴正在片状或你可能是不可靠的。)

6. A little flaky, but that's OK. You've also proven . . . to be very brave. (翻译:有一点奇怪,但是总体来说,还可以……你也证明了,你很勇敢。)

7. Signs of deficiency can include irritability and nervousness, flaky skin around the eyes, nose and mouth and a sore tongue. (翻译:的迹象,缺乏可包括烦躁不安和紧张,片状皮肤周围的眼,鼻和嘴和舌痛。)

8. This eye treatment moisturizes dry, flaky skin while light-defusing technology brightens and clarifies the eye area. (翻译:它是干燥片状肌肤保湿,同时光散发技术使眼部周围亮白和清洁。)

9. Sample flaky croissants and light-as-air macarons from any of the countless patisseries, or sip a bottle ofBordeaux while picnicking along the Left Bank of the River Seine. (翻译:这里有无数的法式蛋糕店,可以品尝切成薄片的牛角面包和轻如空气的马卡龙,或者在塞纳河左岸的户外品尝一瓶波尔多葡萄酒。)

10. Also, the processing technology of microwave puffing Castanea henryi flaky pastry was studied according to market needs. (翻译:并在此基础上,结合市场需求,对锥栗酥饼微波膨化工艺进行了研究。)

11. One traditional mooncake has fillings of lotus seed paste and is quite distinctive in appearance with golden brown flaky skin. (翻译:有一种传统的月饼是莲蓉馅,外面是金褐色酥松的皮。)

12. Halibut has a really nice, white, flaky meat that will complement my sweet sauce. (翻译:比目鱼的肉质好 又白又薄 正适合我的甜酱)

13. Also, the processing technology of microwave puffing Castanea henryi flaky pastry was studied according to market needs. (翻译:并在此基础上,结合市场需求,对锥栗酥饼微波膨化工艺进行了研究。)

14. There are traces of flaky skin where his fingers have come into contact with them, so he had eczema. (翻译:手指经常接触的地方 还留有皮屑 说明他有湿疹)

15. It was an early spring morning with a few flaky clouds moving gently across the blue sky from the west. (翻译:这是个早春的清晨,有几片云自西方而来,缓缓地从蓝天上飘过。)






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