opaco是什么意思 opaco的中文翻译、读音、例句


opaco是什么意思 opaco的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:opaco可以是形容词或名词。作为形容词,opaco表示“不透明的”,作为名词,opaco指的是一种不透明的颜色。


- The glass was completely opaco and I couldn't see through it.

- The room was too dark and opaco to read in.

- The artist used opaco paint to create a textured effect in his painting.

2. 意义:opaco可以用来形容质量低劣、难以理解或含糊不清的事物。


- The company's financial reports were so opaco that even employees couldn't understand them.

- The instructions for assembling the furniture were opaco and confusing.

- The speaker gave an opaco presentation and left the audience feeling bored and confused.

3. 缩写词:OPACO也可以是一些组织或机构的缩写,如“Organización de Productores de Aceituna de Mesa de España”(西班牙桌面橄榄生产者组织)。


- Los productores de aceituna de mesa se reunieron en la sede de OPACO para discutir los problemas del mercado.

- OPACO ha lanzado una iniciativa para promover el consumo de aceitunas de mesa en el extranjero.

- El presidente de OPACO ha pedido al gobierno que proteja a los productores de aceituna de mesa de la competencia desleal.

English examples:

1. The sky became opaco as the storm approached.

2. The lake was opaco with mud after the heavy rain.

3. The artist mixed opaco paint to create a rich, textured suce.

4. The company's financial statements were opaco and difficult to understand.

5. The speaker's opaco presentation left the audience feeling confused and uninspired.

opaco的中文翻译是“不透明的”,读音为[ō pá kē]。


1. La ventana estaba cubierta con una cortina opaca. (窗户被一块不透明的窗帘遮住了。)

2. Necesito un material opaco para cubrir la luz. (我需要一种不透光的材料来遮光。)

3. La verdad es que el proyecto sigue siendo opaco para nosotros. (事实是,这个项目对我们来说仍然是不透明的。)




例句:- Paco Hernandez, nice to meet you. (- Paco Hernandez, nice to meet you.)


1. Where are all the pictures of O.J. (翻译:还有O·J和他白人兄弟 Where are all the pictures of O.)

2. - O.J. Simpson is in the car. (翻译:-O·J·辛普森就在车里 -杰森 - O.)

3. Paco, Carlitos is really smart. He might make it. (翻译:帕科,卡利托斯很聪明的 他也许能找到这里)

4. If she asks you about Paco, you know nothing. (翻译:如果她问起你巴克的事 你就装着什么都不知道)

5. I'm his friend, Robert Kardashian. (翻译:不行 先生 No, sir. O·J在等我呢 o.)

6. Gastrovac, Paco Jet, and Clifton Food range. (翻译:帕克射流器,克利夫顿食品范围水浴。)

7. Paco..wait no, no.He's not an Arab. (翻译:帕考.. 等等 他不是人 Paco.. wait no, no.)

8. All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.J. Did it. (翻译:都能证明这是O. J. 所为 All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.)

9. and that cannot be done with all the complaints and interruptions... a o o o a o o vo o (翻译:有抱怨和打扰我还怎么做! 我警告你不要提高嗓门!)

10. ¶ shies from the so-o-o-rrow (翻译:# shies from the so -o -o)

11. Once, I talked with her son. Another time with Paco. (翻译:还有一次,我谈到了她的儿子,另一次提起了佩克。)

12. You know,... because you've read that picture book with her together,... she had felt like a normal child. (翻译:自从你念故事书给她听之后 Paco变得跟正常小孩一样活泼)

13. O.J. Simpson is gonna stand trial (翻译:O·J·辛普森将受到 O. J. Simpson is gonna stand trial)

14. Kit consists of: First &second check, Tailpiece O-ring, Adapter O-ring and Body O-ring. (翻译:组件包括:第一和第二止回阀,尾管O形环,适配器O形环和阀体O形环。)

15. You are O.J. Simpson and you are an inspiration. (翻译:Simpson. 你是O·J·辛普森 You are O. J.)




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