outed是什么意思 outed的中文翻译、读音、例句


outed是什么意思 outed的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , some information on "outed" for you.

"Outed" is a term used when someone reveals another person's hidden identity, especially if that identity is related to their ual orientation or gender identity. Here are three aspects to consider when exploring this word:

1. The origin and history of the term: The term "outed" emerged in the 1990s as a way of describing the act of revealing someone's ual orientation or gender identity without their consent. It was often used in the context of mainstream media and public figures, where rumors or speculation about someone's uality would be reported on by tabloids or gossip outlets.

2. The impact of being "outed": For individuals who have been "outed", the experience can be traumatic and have significant consequences on their personal and professional lives. It can lead to discrimination, harassment, and even violence in some cases. For this reason, many people choose to keep their uality or gender identity private.

3. The cultural significance of "outing": The act of outing someone has been highly controversial, with many arguing that it is a violation of privacy and an inappropriate intrusion into someone's personal life. Some argue that in certain cases, such as when a public figure is actively working against the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, it may be necessary to reveal their uality or gender identity in order to hold them accountable.

Here are five examples of "outed" being used in sentences:

1. She was outed by her colleagues at work, and soon faced daily harassment and discrimination.


2. The politician was outed by a tabloid newspaper, leading to a media frenzy and calls for their resignation.


3. After years of hiding his gender identity, he was outed by a friend who could no longer keep the secret.


4. The actor was outed in a magazine article, and later said that the experience had been both liberating and frightening.


5. The LGBTQ+ community rallied around a local ager who had been outed by classmates, offering support and resources.


读音:/ 'aʊtɪd /



1. He was outed as a spy by the media.


2. The athlete was outed as taking performance-enhancing drugs.





例句:Therefore soldier take outed the fire box of his, and wipe the several and next fire. (所以兵士就取出了他的打火匣,擦了几下火。)


例句:In an interesting reversal of roles from the Bush era, the Europeans were pushing for the plant to be outed at once, while the U. (欧美两者的角色与布什时代相比发生了戏剧性的调换,此前欧洲一直急于将此设施公诸于众,而美国则小心翼翼。)


例句:I knew he was going to get outed sooner or later. I suppose it's fortunate that it was in the sweetest way possible. (我就知道他早晚都得。这应该是最美好的结局了吧,我觉得他们挺幸运的。)


例句:The New York action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman. (翻译:纽约同性恋行动团体“酷儿国度”最近揭露了一位美国国会议员的同性恋身份。)


1. I knew he was going to get outed sooner or later. I suppose it's fortunate that it was in the sweetest way possible. (翻译:我就知道他早晚都得。这应该是最美好的结局了吧,我觉得他们挺幸运的。)

2. The New York action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman. (翻译:纽约同性恋行动团体“酷儿国度”最近揭露了一位美国国会议员的同性恋身份。)

3. This guy that got outed, look, the guys that work for me are asking for head. (翻译:这人出局了 听着 为我做事的人都想当老大)

4. I'd like to also point out that I think that this marks the end of WikiLeaks's ability to say that they have never had a source be outed. (翻译:我想同时指出, 我认为,这标志着结束 维基解密说的能力 他们从未有过被强迫源。)

5. He is the latest politician to be outed by activists. (翻译:他是被同性恋积极分子新近揭露的同性恋政客。)

6. Very difficult ages, as you can understand, for their father to be outed. (翻译:真是让人头疼的年纪啊... 你们理解吗... ?)

7. "It works every time, " Giambi told the Daily News after his secret was outed on Portfolio. com. (翻译:“每次都很有用哦”技安和每日新闻的记者说著这个秘密。)

8. 'Cause in the day the place is teeming with people, so you can't be too overt because you'd be outed instantly. (翻译:因为在今天的老地方 挤满了人, 所以你不能太开放 因为你会立刻看到。)

9. Almost 11, 000 people have been dismissed from the US military over the last decade after outing themselves or being outed. (翻译:过去的10年中,约11000名美国士兵在自己的同性恋取向公开或被公开之后被开除了军籍。)

10. In all that time, I've only gotten a few different responses when I've outed our family. (翻译:在所有的时候,当我让人们知道我的家庭情况后,我只得到了区区几种不同的反应。)

11. And the fire was outed. (翻译:而且火也已经熄灭了。)

12. Most experts are already pointing to Giovanna Nocera... the notorious European spy outed at the turn of the century. (翻译:大多数专家已经指出是乔凡娜・诺嘉拉... 臭名昭著的欧洲人一直在秘密监视着世纪的转变)






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