juana是什么意思 juana的中文翻译、读音、例句


juana是什么意思 juana的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:'juana' 不是一个独立的单词,它可能是人名或者地名。

2. 词性:'juana' 是一个名词或者专有名词。

3. 词组搭配:'juana' 通常会和其他名字或地名连用,比如 'Juana de Arco'(意为贞女),或者 'Juana la Cubana'(意为古巴女孩Juana)。

4. 短语:'juana' 没有一个真正的短语,但是可以派生出诸如 'juana-like' 的形容词。

5. 发音拼写:'juana' 在西班牙语中发音为 [huˈana],Juana 的 J 发音和英语的 H 相当。


1. Juana is really great at playing the piano. (Juana 在弹钢琴方面非常出色。)

2. Have you ever heard of Juana Inés de la Cruz? (你有没有听说过胡安娜·伊内斯·德拉克鲁兹?)

3. Juana and her friends all went to the beach last weekend. (Juana 和她的朋友们上个周末都去了海边。)

4. The town of Juana Diaz is located in southern Puerto Rico. (Juana Diaz 小镇位于波多黎各南部。)

5. My new hairstyle is kind of Juana-like, don't you think? (我新的发型有点像 Juana 的风格,你觉得呢?)


读音:huān à

例句:Juan le dijo a su madre que la quería mucho.(华恩告诉他的母亲她很爱她。)




例句:The only solution is to marry Juana... the daughter of the king, to the Duke of Guyenne. (现在只有把国王的女儿胡安娜嫁给 古耶纳公爵)


例句:At age 20, she entered the Hieronymite Convent of Santa Paula and took on her new name: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. (20 岁时,她进入圣保拉圣像修道院, 并改名为: 修女胡安娜 · 伊内斯 · 德 · 拉克鲁兹。)


例句:I told you then that I knew Juana was a mighty-fine little gal but when you and she got married, you was asking for trouble. (我告诉过你我知道胡安娜 是一个很好的女孩... 但是娶她的话就意味着 自找麻烦 你记得吗 我跟你说过的)


例句:Magellan planted a large wooden cross and gave Queen Juana a wooden doll of the Santo Nino (the Child Saint) to commemorate the event. (翻译:麦哲伦种下了一个巨大的木制十字架,给了乔依娜皇后一个圣婴雕像的木制娃娃来作为纪念。)


juana一般作为名词使用,如在juana diaz([网络] 迪亚兹县;迪亚兹岛屿)、Santa Juana([地名] 圣胡安娜 ( 阿根、玻、哥斯、古、洪、墨、尼加、委 ))、Tia Juana(Tijuana 的旧称)等常见短语中出现较多。

juana diaz[网络] 迪亚兹县;迪亚兹岛屿
Santa Juana[地名] 圣胡安娜 ( 阿根、玻、哥斯、古、洪、墨、尼加、委 )
Tia JuanaTijuana 的旧称


1. I told you then that I knew Juana was a mighty-fine little gal but when you and she got married, you was asking for trouble. (翻译:我告诉过你我知道胡安娜 是一个很好的女孩... 但是娶她的话就意味着 自找麻烦 你记得吗 我跟你说过的)

2. Magellan planted a large wooden cross and gave Queen Juana a wooden doll of the Santo Nino (the Child Saint) to commemorate the event. (翻译:麦哲伦种下了一个巨大的木制十字架,给了乔依娜皇后一个圣婴雕像的木制娃娃来作为纪念。)

3. Juana, glancing secretly at him, saw him smile. (翻译:胡安娜偷头地瞧了他一眼,看到他在微笑。)

4. It was Juana arising, almost soundlessly. (翻译:是胡安娜起身了,几乎没有声音。)

5. Her request denied, Juana found solace in her grandfather’s private library. (翻译:在她的请求被拒绝后,胡安娜在祖父的 私人图书馆中找到了慰藉。)

6. In the words of Nobel laureate Octavio Paz: “It is not enough to say that Sor Juana’s work is a product of history; we must add that history is also a product of her work.” (翻译:用诺贝尔奖获得者 奥克塔维奥 · 帕斯的话说: “修女胡安娜的作品 不该仅被视为历史的产物; 我们必须补充说 历史也是她作品的产物。” )

7. In the publication, he admonished Sor Juana to devote herself to prayer rather than debate. (翻译:出版物中, 他告诫胡安娜修女 应致力于祈祷而不是辩论。)

8. It was perhaps this precedent that inspired Juana’s lifelong confidence. (翻译:也许正是母亲的例子 塑造了胡安娜终生的自信。)

9. To guarantee future peace, we propose a marriage between Alfonso and Juana. (翻译:伊莎贝尔 所以为了保证长期的和平 我们提议为阿方索王子)

10. Even fewer people know that Columbus admitted in a letter written to Dona Juana de la Torre that "nine and 10-year-old girls were in high demand, and for girls of all ages a good price must be paid." (翻译:更少的人知道 哥伦布在写给多娜·胡安娜·德·拉·托瑞 的信中提到了这一点: “亟需 9 - 10 岁的姑娘, 并且对所有年龄段的女孩, 必须要支付好的价格。” )

11. I believe it's just to grant the request that Dona Juana of Avis and her daughter be separated one from the other and kept under custody to guarantee the fulfillment of the truce asked by Enrique. (翻译:我认为准许 阿维斯胡安娜夫人 和她女儿分开)

12. Carrillo is lurking Madrid and Juana de Avis attended the funeral of king Enrique. (翻译:近几天有人看见卡里略去了马德里 而胡安娜王后正在宫里参加先王的葬礼)

13. And I always say Juana's a mighty-fine little gal, but... (翻译:我一直都说胡安娜 是个好女孩 只是...)

14. For years, Sor Juana was considered a prized treasure of the church. (翻译:多年以来,胡安娜被认为是 教会的宝贵财富。)

15. The Church, while still under the zealous influence of the Spanish Inquisition, would allow Juana to retain her independence and respectability while remaining unmarried. (翻译:教会,虽然处于西班牙 裁判所的狂热影响下, 但将允许胡安娜在未婚的情况下 免受于他人的控制并得到尊重。)




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