music是什么意思 music的中文翻译、读音、例句


music是什么意思 music的中文翻译、读音、例句

Music is a term that can be explored in various dimensions as an English teacher. Some of the aspects in which it can be explored are:

1. Definition: As a teacher, you can explain what exactly music is and how it is different from other forms of sound. You can talk about how it is created, its various elements like melody, rhythm, harmony, etc.

Example: Music is an art form that involves organizing sounds in a specific way.


2. Genre: You can introduce different music genres like pop, rock, classical, jazz, etc., and explain their unique characteristics, artists, and history.

Example: I love listening to jazz music, especially the works of Miles Davis and John Coltrane.


3. Instruments: Music is created using various instruments like guitar, piano, drums, etc. As a teacher, you can talk about the different types of instruments, their sound production, and how they are played.

Example: He played a beautiful melody on the piano, which moved everyone in the audience.


4. Lyrics: Many songs have lyrics that convey a message or tell a story. You can talk about how lyrics are written, their use of language and poetic devices, and their impact on the listener.

Example: The lyrics of this song are so powerful; they always make me emotional.


5. Cultural significance: Music is an essential part of many cultures, and you can talk about its significance in different countries and regions. You can also discuss how it reflects the social, political, and economic context of a particular time.

Example: Indian classical music has a rich history and culture, and it is an integral part of Indian identity.


In conclusion, as an English teacher, you can explore music in various ways, including its definition, genre, instruments, lyrics, and cultural significance. Here are five English sentences that ilrate the different aspects discussed:

1. Music is a universal language that can bring people together, regardless of their background or culture.

2. Jazz music originated in African American communities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and has since become a global phenomenon.

3. The sound of the guitar filled the room and created a serene atmosphere.

4. The lyrics of Bob Dylan's songs are known for their poetic imagery and political messages.

5. The traditional music of the Maori people in New Zealand reflects their connection to nature and their cultural heritage.




1. Music is a universal language that transcends cultural barriers.(音乐是一门超越文化障碍的普世语言。)

2. She has a passion for classical music and attends concerts regularly.(她热爱古典音乐,经常参加音乐会。)

3. Listening to music is a great way to relax after a long day.(听音乐是一种在漫长的一天之后放松的好方法。)




例句:entertainment,history,live music,music (entertainment,history,live music,music)


例句:arts,entertainment,live music (arts,entertainment,live music)


例句:♪ Oh, saw you not my lady ♪ (*music* 哦,我没看见你,我的女神 *music*)

4.音乐 、悦耳的声音

例句:[music] And therefore took no scorn [music] Our sins to bear [music] (翻译:[music] And therefore took no scorn [music] Our sins to bear [music])


music一般作为名词使用,如在music by([网络] 音乐;作曲;配乐)、to music([网络] 致音乐;伴随音乐做某事;而是动词的)、dictionary of music(音乐辞典)等常见短语中出现较多。

music by[网络] 音乐;作曲;配乐
to music[网络] 致音乐;伴随音乐做某事;而是动词的
dictionary of music音乐辞典
digital music数字音乐
dinner music正餐音乐(正餐时刻演奏的餐间音乐,尤指轻音乐)
early music[网络] 早期音乐;古乐;早期的音乐
Doctor of Music[网络] 音乐学博士;音乐博士;音乐学博士等等
doctors of music[网络] 音乐学博士;音乐博士;音乐学博士等等\n(doctor of music 的复数)
disc musicn. 迪斯科音乐


1. ♪ Oh, saw you not my lady ♪ (翻译:*music* 哦,我没看见你,我的女神 *music*)

2. [music] And therefore took no scorn [music] Our sins to bear [music] (翻译:[music] And therefore took no scorn [music] Our sins to bear [music])

3. culture,entertainment,history,music (翻译:culture,entertainment,history,music)

4. [music]... tempestuous sea [music] Guard us, guide us [music] Keep us, feed us [music] For we have no help but thee [music] Yet possessing [music] Every blessing (翻译:[music]... tempestuous sea [music] Guard us, guide us)

5. - ♪ ♪ [Singing Continues] - Isn't she playing marvellously? (翻译:*music**music* [ Singing Continues ] 她弹得好吗 ?)

6. ♪ I'll love her 'til I die ♪ (翻译:*music* 我对她的爱之死不渝 *music*)

7. business,entertainment,humor,music (翻译:business,entertainment,humor,music)

8. [Together] ♪ Surely you heard my lady ♪ (翻译:[ Together ] *music*你肯定听到了我的女神 *music*)

9. - [Music] There were angels [music] (翻译:- [Music] There were angels [music]这里的天使们)

10. TED Fellows,entertainment,live music,music (翻译:TED Fellows,entertainment,live music,music)

11. live music,music,performance,technology (翻译:live music,music,performance,technology)

12. entertainment,live music,music,performance,piano,technology (翻译:entertainment,live music,music,performance,piano,technology)

13. ♪ Virgins are like the fair flower ♪ (翻译:*music* 少女就像花朵 *music*)

14. ♪ To hear the earlies ringing ♪ (翻译:*music* 听你的歌唱 *music*)

15. culture,entertainment,jazz,music (翻译:culture,entertainment,jazz,music)




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