glutolin是什么意思 glutolin的中文翻译、读音、例句

glutolin在中文中有"〔医〕类付球蛋白、医"的意思,还有类副球蛋白的意思,读音为[美 ],glutolin来源于英语,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到29个与glutolin相关的用法和句子。

glutolin是什么意思 glutolin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Exports have become increasingly important to wineries as they battle a global wine glut. (出口对于各葡萄酒厂来说已变得日益重要, 因为他们得应对全球性的葡萄酒供应过剩问题。)


例句:They were talking about Exxon Valdez, and that there was going to be a glut of oil tankers because of the insurance industries. (当时里面谈到埃克森石油公司的瓦尔迪兹油轮泄露事件 由于这次事件引起的索赔事件 导致了全球油轮数量需求下滑)


例句:Mr. Enslin, I'm Gerald Olin, manager of the Dolphin. (安斯林先生 我叫杰纳德 奥林 这儿的经理)


1. Mr. Enslin, I'm Gerald Olin, manager of the Dolphin. (翻译:安斯林先生 我叫杰纳德 奥林 这儿的经理)

2. Sheep once sold for as little as 50 cents each during a glut in the 1980s, but today some breeds of ewe can sell for as much as $200 a pop. (翻译:在20世纪80年代的一次供过于求中,羊的价格一度低至每只50美分,但如今一些品种的母羊可以卖到每只200美元。)

3. Behind that decline in real rates, argues the McKinsey Global Institute, was not so much a savings glut as an investment dearth. (翻译:麦肯锡全球研究院指出,实际利率下降背后的原因,与其说是储蓄过剩,不如说是投资匮乏。)

4. But Hollywood executives fear the glut created by the recent spate of overproduction is going to be felt for at least a couple more years. (翻译:不过,好莱坞高层人士担心,最近几年电影多产带来的供应过剩问题在未来几年内还将继续存在。)

5. A strong liberal arts program and the Olin Arts Center for music. (翻译:艺术课程很自由开放 还有很酷的欧林音乐中心)

6. There was no significant regional difference in GLUT1 expression in either normal or ischemic hearts. (翻译:无论在正常或缺血心脏,GL UT 1表达均无部位差异。)

7. There is a glut of film, the quality has to be raised, they need to go to the next level, but I’m optimistic. (翻译:电影生产过剩 质量需要提高,他们必须走向更高层次 但是我很乐观 )

8. "The question is [whether] the appetite is still going to be there after the summer glut of movies, " he says. (翻译:“问题是在夏季电影档过后此片[是否]还会激起人们的热情,”他说。)

9. Occidental's Mr. Chazen says even announced production cuts may be months from taking place, adding to the glut. 'Slowing it down is hard. (翻译:西方石油公司的查森说,即使已宣布的减产措施距离真正实行也要有几个月的时间,这会增加供应过剩的压力。)

10. They were talking about Exxon Valdez, and that there was going to be a glut of oil tankers because of the insurance industries. (翻译:当时里面谈到埃克森石油公司的瓦尔迪兹油轮泄露事件 由于这次事件引起的索赔事件 导致了全球油轮数量需求下滑 )

11. And two minutes later Anelka started to put the gloss on another goal glut with a perfect right-foot volley from Branislav Ivanovic's cross. (翻译:而就在两分钟后,阿内尔卡接到伊万诺维奇横传过来的球后,横空一脚将球,又得一分。)

12. Tiffin Olin. He broke it with a clock timer. (翻译:Tiffin Olin 他用计时器砸断的)

13. Results Insulin enhanced the expression of GLUT4. High glucose decreased the expression of GLUT4 obviously. (翻译:结果胰岛素可增加GLUT4的表达,高糖使GLUT4表达明显下降。)

14. The translocation involves two fundamental processes, transduction pathways of the insulin signal and the GLUT4. (翻译:其中包含了两个重要的过程—胰岛素信号转导以及GLUT4转运途径。)

15. We have to countenance the suffocating glut of this parasitic people consuming our food, contaminating our professions, controlling our currency. (翻译:在这些寄生虫,这些糟蹋着我们的食粮 玷我们的理想,控制着我们的货币... 的家伙们断气的时候 我们要沉着面对)


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