jointly是什么意思 jointly的中文翻译、读音、例句


jointly是什么意思 jointly的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. “Jointly”是一个副词,意思是“共同地”或“一起”,通常用来描述多个人或组织共同合作完成某项任务或目标。

例句1:The two companies jointly developed a new product. (这两家公司共同开发了一个新产品。)

例句2:The project was completed jointly by the government and private sector. (这个项目是由和私营部门共同完成的。)

2. “Jointly”也可以用来表示各自分享某种责任、成本或利益。

例句3:They agreed to share the costs of the project jointly. (他们同意共同分担这个项目的成本。)

例句4:The couple jointly owns the house they live in. (这对夫妇共同拥有他们居住的房子。)

3. “Jointly” 还可以表示“共同地、协作地或一致地”。

例句5:The two sides are jointly working on a peace agreement. (双方正在共同努力达成和平协议。)

例句6:The team jointly decided to postpone the game due to bad weather. (团队共同决定由于恶劣的天气推迟比赛。)

4. “Jointly” 也可以用为缩写词JLTY,特别是在商业、法律或文件中使用。

例句7:The agreement was signed by ABC Co. and XYZ Co. JLTY. (该协议由ABC公司和XYZ公司共同签署。)

例句8:The two countries issued a joint statement, JLTY, condemning the terrorist attack. (两国发表了一份共同声明,谴责恐怖袭击。)






1. They worked jointly to finish the project on time. (他们共同合作,按时完成了该项目。)

2. The two companies jointly developed a new technology. (这两家公司共同开发了一项新技术。)




例句:It is reported, two networks company ever invited these cacique to attend the meeting, check jointly and discuss new product. (据悉,两家网络公司都曾邀请这些领袖出席会议,共同测试和讨论新产品。)


例句:Single avowal or filed jointly. (单个来找还是一起来? Single avowal or filed jointly.)


jointly一般作为副词、动词使用,如在jointly and severally([经] 个别并连带负责)、jointly s([经] 评议商定)、jointly moment([力] 联合矩)等常见短语中出现较多。

jointly and severally[经] 个别并连带负责
jointly s[经] 评议商定
jointly moment[力] 联合矩
jointly operated[经] 合营
jointly acquired property共同获得的财产
jointly dependent variable联合依变数
jointly dependent variables联合相依变数
jointly determined variables共同决定变数
jointly ergodic process[数] 联合遍历过程


1. Zoe and Theodora ruled jointly for two months. (翻译:邹伊赫塞·奥多拉联合统治了两个月。)

2. I could tell you we will run him jointly, but it would not be the truth. (翻译:我可以对你说我们可以一起抓他 但那只是敷衍你)

3. When two or more Auditing organizations cooperate to audit a single auditee jointly, this is termed "joint audit " . (翻译:当两个或两个以上审核机构合作,共同审核同一个受审核方时,这种情况称为“联合审核”。)

4. WHEN Bill McDermott and Jim Hageman Snabe jointly took the helm at SAP in February they promised to be much “bolder”. (翻译:比尔•麦克德莫特与吉姆•海根曼•施耐博二月份联手执掌SAP时信誓旦旦,声称将采取更为激进的策略。)

5. Before the opening ceremony, Wang and Zhukov jointly attended the signing ceremony of the forum. (翻译:开幕式前,还与茹科夫共同出席了论坛签字仪式。)

6. The event was organized jointly by students and staff. (翻译:这项赛事是由师生共同组织的。)

7. Jointly they patrol the perimeter of their highland territory. (翻译:Jointly, they patrol the perimeter of their highland territory. 它们共同巡视高原领地的边界)

8. Glasgow and Birmingham are the next most desirable British cities, jointly ranked 56th. (翻译:格拉斯哥和伯明翰这两个城市是英国位列第二的理想城市,同列第56名。)

9. Pepsi, which jointly markets several different brands, dubs the clout this gives it with retailers and customers "Power of One" . (翻译:联合营销不同品牌,百事称其影响力为赋予零售商和顾客“一体的力量”。)

10. The United States National Park Service and a Virginia historical organization jointly run Jamestown Island. (翻译:美国国家公园服务处和维吉尼亚的一个历史组织联合开发詹姆斯敦岛。)

11. Tenants are jointly and severally liable for payment of the rent. (翻译:租金由承租人共同且分别承担。)

12. The promoters shall, even after incorporation, be jointly and severally liable for debts of the company incurred prior to incorporation. (翻译:发起人对于公司在设立登记前所负债务,在登记后亦负连带责任。)

13. The wind farm will initially be jointly owned by TGC and SERL. (翻译:该风能发电厂最初将归TGC和SERL共同所有。)

14. Two or more legal persons or other organizations may form a consortium and jointly submit their bids as one bidder. (翻译:第三十一条两个以上法人或者其他组织可以组成一个联合体,以一个投标人的身份共同投标。)

15. Susilo appreciated Wen's suggestions on enhancing bilateral and multilateral cooperation and jointly responding to the bird flu. (翻译:苏西洛赞赏提出的关于加强双边和多边合作,共同应对禽流感的建议。)




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