stricke是什么意思 stricke的中文翻译、读音、例句


stricke是什么意思 stricke的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:strike 可以作为动词、名词,也可用作形容词或副词,但是缩写词 STRICT 只有作形容词的意义。

2. 意思:strike 的意思有多种,包括打击、、敲打、撞击等,而 STRICT 是指严格、严厉的。

3. 发音:strike 的发音为 /straɪk/,而 STRICT 的发音为 /strɪkt/。

4. 派生词:从 strike 变化而来的派生词包括 striker(者)、strikeout(划掉)、strike up(开始、奏响)等。而 STRICT 的派生词则有 unstrict(不严格的)、strictly(严格地)、strictness(严格性)等。

5. 用法:strike 可以单独使用,也可以和其他词组合成短语,如 strike a match(点火)、strike a balance(取得平衡)等。而 STRICT 通常只用作形容词,修饰名词或代词,如 strict rules(严格的规则)、strict teacher(严格的老师)等。


1. He struck the ball with all his might. 他用尽全力一击球。

2. The workers decided to go on strike to demand higher wages. 工人们决定要求更高的工资。

3. She struck the door with her fist. 她用拳头砸门。

4. The team struck out three times in a row. 这个球队连续三次三振出局了。

5. The band struck up a lively tune that had everyone dancing. 乐队奏响了一曲欢快的旋律,所有人都跳舞起来了。

1. The teacher is very strict and doesn't allow any talking in class. 这个老师很严格,不允许上课讲话。

2. The company has strict policies on employee behavior. 公司对员工的行为有严格的政策。

3. They have strict requirements for admission to the university. 他们对大学的入学要求非常严格。

4. The airline has strict rules on the size and weight of carry-on luggage. 这家航空公司对随身行李的大小和重量有严格的规定。

5. The parents were strict with their children's education, sure they did their homework every night. 父母对孩子的教育很严格,每晚都要确保他们完成作业。

单词 "stricke" 是英语中的过去分词形式。正确的拼写应该是 "stricken"。以下是 "stricken" 的中文翻译、读音和例句:




1. The community was stricken by the sudden loss of one of its members. (社区因一名成员的突然失去而受到打击。)

2. The area has been stricken by a drought for several years now. (该地区连续几年受到干旱的困扰。)

3. The village was said to be stricken with a curse that brought bad luck to anyone who entered. (据说这个村庄受到了一种诅咒,任何进入的人都会带来厄运。)




例句:"E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

例句:That ought to do the trick. (这样我才肯说 That ought to do the trick.)


1. It's little discrete -- that's spelled D-I-S-C-R-E-T-E -- bits. (翻译:分离的, 英语里边的串法是 D-I-S-C-R-E-T-E——小块 )

2. What a cruel trick of nature (翻译:上天真弄人 What a cruel trick of nature)

3. You can make more, if you like. (翻译:- I thought this was some kind of... - What? 把戏 Trick.)

4. It will be a conjuring trick. (翻译:这是个纸牌戏法 It will be a conjuring trick.)

5. This actually I think derives from a Greek word, "Synkope, " S-y-n-k-o-p-e, synkope. (翻译:这个术语我觉得来源于希腊语,Synkope,S-y-n-k-o-p-e )

6. # Trick your brain to set the score # (翻译:# Trick your brain to set the score #)

7. The self-proclaimed seers and trick mystics. (翻译:-proclaimed seers and trick mystics.)

8. I just got an e-mail from the U.S. Air Force. (翻译:我刚刚受到了美国空军发来的邮件 I just got an e -mail from the U. S.)

9. That was you on the police scanner, right? (翻译:right? this is a trick.)

10. If you want to reduce some stress, you can reduce this by the word S-T-R-E-S-S, that's stress. (翻译:如果您想减轻压力,可以用 S-T-R-E-S-S 来减轻压力。)

11. How do you spell your name? (翻译:你名字怎么拼? - C, A, E, S, A, R.)

12. Hey, Cinderella, trick or treat? (翻译:ing pervert. 不请吃就捣蛋 trick or treat?)

13. No way. We Sunday Sisters top everyone. (翻译:不会,我觉得S u n d a y S i s t e r s 比齐豫唱得更好呀)

14. That's a cute trick. (翻译:那是个聪明的把戏。)

15. The S.E.C. were very happy to receive your anonymous tip... (翻译:很高兴收到你的匿名举报 The S. E. C.)


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