neutralize是什么意思 neutralize的中文翻译、读音、例句


neutralize是什么意思 neutralize的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义和用法

"Neutralize" 一词是动词,有中和、抵消、消除、使无效等含义。它常用于描述通过某种手段或策略来打破或中和一种不利因素或行为,以达到某种目的,如中和对方武装力量、抵消对手攻击、消除负面影响等。

2. 同义词和反义词

Neutralize 的同义词有 cancel out, offset, nullify,反义词有 agitate, provoke, stimulate。

3. 词性变化与派生词

Neutralize 是动词,它的形式变化包括 neutralizes, neutralized 和 neutralizing,还有衍生词 neutralizer。

4. 领域用途

Neutralize 这个词在多个领域都有应用,比如化学、军事、体育、等。在化学领域,neutralize 可以描述酸和碱之间的反应;在军事领域,neutralize 可以描述如何消灭敌人的火力;在体育领域,neutralize 可以描述如何阻止对手得分;在领域,neutralize 可以描述如何中和敌对势力的影响。

5. 例句

1. The acid is neutralized by adding an alkali.(这种酸可以通过加碱来中和。)

2. The home team was able to neutralize the opposing team's star player.(主队成功控制了对手的明星球员。)

3. A special serum was developed to neutralize the venom of the snake.(研制出一种特殊的血清来中和蛇的毒液。)

4. The company has to neutralize the negative publicity caused by the scandal.(公司必须消除因这起丑闻引起的负面宣传。)

5. The government deployed troops to neutralize the terrorist threat.(部署了来消除恐怖威胁。)




1. The police used tear gas to neutralize the rioters. (警方使用催泪瓦斯来暴民。)

2. Lemon juice can neutralize the alkaline taste of baking soda. (柠檬汁可以中和小苏打的碱性味道。)

3. The company is trying to neutralize the negative effects of the recent scandal. (公司正在努力消除最近丑闻带来的负面影响。)

4. The scientist developed a new drug that can neutralize the virus. (科学家研发出一种新药,可以抵消病毒。)




例句:A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison . (解毒药,解毒剂用于中和或对抗毒药作用的药物或药剂。)


例句:Similarly, trees need time to be able to neutralize the toxins in the air and produce the balance that we need to survive. (同样的道理,树木需要时间去成长,才能中和空气中的毒素,让生态平衡,适合我们生存。)


例句:Fitz might have something we can use to neutralize Creel's power. (刚收到实验室发来的消息 菲茨找到控制克里尔能力的方法了)


例句:I need to neutralize them now, in a way that doesn't raise questions or leave evidence to trace back to me. (翻译:我必须让他们保持中立 设法不引起疑问或留下线索 以免他们怀疑到我身上)


neutralize一般作为动词使用,如在to neutralize(中和)等常见短语中出现较多。

to neutralize中和


1. Fitz might have something we can use to neutralize Creel's power. (翻译:刚收到实验室发来的消息 菲茨找到控制克里尔能力的方法了)

2. I need to neutralize them now, in a way that doesn't raise questions or leave evidence to trace back to me. (翻译:我必须让他们保持中立 设法不引起疑问或留下线索 以免他们怀疑到我身上)

3. Continuous Gatling gun fire as you neutralize its AT Field. (翻译:一边中和敌方的A. T. 力场 一边用格林枪攻击)

4. Then you tried to neutralize the only leverage we had over him, by giving him back his daughter. (翻译:然后你企图放走他的女儿, 放弃我们对付他的唯一)

5. Says he knows that we have the technology that can temporarily neutralize his powers. (翻译:他还说知道我们有技术 可以暂时抑制他的能力)

6. Eating foods that contain these molecules, which neutralize harmful free radicals, may be especially good for your brain too. (翻译:食用含有抗氧化分子的食物,能够中和有害的自由基,对你的大脑是尤其有益的。)

7. If you let go, the thread may break, or loosen the thread to neutralize the safety. (翻译:如果你放手,电线便会断 如果你将盖放回 安全装置便会解除)

8. And that is exactly what we have done when we neutralize geopathic lines with the help of the devas and elementals. (翻译:当我们在提婆和四大元素的帮助下压制风水线时,我们所做的一切应是严密正确的。)

9. Well, Brent, he's gotta find some way to neutralize the waterboy. (翻译:嗯,Brent,我想他是想 找个办法来抑制茶水男孩)

10. Ammonia gas has been used experimentally to neutralize the acid, while other solutions are being researched. (翻译:氨气在通常在实验中用来中和酸,而别的解决方法还是研究中。)

11. No antidote has been found to neutralize the virus... (翻译:没有委现什么解毒剂 能击压制这种病毒...)

12. So, now they can neutralize your gadgets and my powers. (翻译:所以,现在他们能压制你的武器和我的超能力)

13. If we can't duck this thing, we're gonna have to neutralize it. (翻译:好吧 如果我们不能避免这件事 我们就要做一些补救措施)

14. We want to neutralize the tensions. (翻译:我们想调和不安的情绪,我们想亲密无间。)

15. They say it takes a crook to catch a crook. It takes a sniper to neutralize a sniper. (翻译:人们说要带一只鳄鱼去抓一只鳄鱼 一个狙击手去解决另一个狙击手)






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