dyscinesia是什么意思 dyscinesia的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


dyscinesia是什么意思 dyscinesia的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:At one of the box offices a golden Mexican voice told her in perfect English that the word she wanted was not cine but noticias. (在其中的一家电影院的售票处一个洪亮的墨西哥声音用完美的英语告诉她她想说的那个词不是电影而是新闻短片。)


例句:The first film was a very good, professional piece of cine like it was done in Hollywood. (第一部影片是部非常好 非常专业的电影 就像是好莱坞制作的)


例句:How could I use my camera, my little tool, to get closer and maybe not only capture the trance but find an equivalent, a cine-trance, maybe, something in complete harmony with the people? (我如何能使用我的相机 我的小工具,去接近 又或者捕捉这个足迹 但是找到一个平衡,一个电影的影子, 在与人的完全的和谐中 )


dyscinesia一般作为名词使用,如在dyscinesia algera([医] 痛性运动障碍)、dyscinesia intermittens angioscla([医] 间歇性血管硬化性运动障碍, 德特曼氏综合征)等常见短语中出现较多。

dyscinesia algera[医] 痛性运动障碍
dyscinesia intermittens angioscla[医] 间歇性血管硬化性运动障碍, 德特曼氏综合征


1. How could I use my camera, my little tool, to get closer and maybe not only capture the trance but find an equivalent, a cine-trance, maybe, something in complete harmony with the people? (翻译:我如何能使用我的相机 我的小工具,去接近 又或者捕捉这个足迹 但是找到一个平衡,一个电影的影子, 在与人的完全的和谐中 )

2. DiscussionsScar is the dys - repairing product of skin. (翻译:搬痕是皮肤不良修复以后的产物。)

3. Produced by Cine Quanon, Digital Site Korea, Mainichi Broadcasting System (翻译:Cine Quanon 韩国数字网站 每日放送株式会社 联合制作)

4. The results suggest that DYS240 locus is one of the important candidates for AZF. (翻译:结果提示,DYS240基因是AZF的一个重要的候选成分。)

5. Yes, just, uh, uh... dys-dyspnea from my, uh, kidney failure. (翻译:还好 只是... 肾衰竭引起的呼吸... 呼吸困难)

6. Guide for use for cine-camera SC-29 for secret surveillance (翻译:隐蔽监视电影摄像机SC -29 使用指南)

7. Nearby were two canoes in which they had cine to the island. (翻译:附近有二条独木舟,他们就是坐这个独木舟来的。)

8. But for this SIA is giving up market share, and will be less able to profit from a quicker-than-expected rebound in traffic. (翻译:但新加坡航空为此付出的代价是牺牲了市场份额,从而有损其从快于预期的运输行业复苏中获利的能力。)

9. And if she did not see it in the del Prado, Olimpia, or Cine Mexico then she would say he was dead. (翻译:如果她没有在普拉多电影院,奥林匹亚电影院和墨西哥电影院找到这部电影,她就会认为他已经死了。)

10. Nothing has ever taken to the air like HB-SIA, as the Swiss aircraft is known. (翻译:从来没有一架飞机像这架叫做 HB-SIA 的瑞士飞机那样子飞行过。)

11. Where I was taken to, brothers was like no cine I ever viddied before. (翻译:我被带到的地方 老兄... 和我去过的戏院完全不同)

12. Effects of fog inhalation therapy with Mucosolvan in treating dys-expectoration after operation under general anesthesia (翻译:沭舒坦雾化治疗全麻手术后患者咳痰困难的效果观察)

13. SIA said the price on offer was the "maximum justified on the business fundamentals. " (翻译:新加坡航空表示,该出价是“东航基本面因素所能证明的最高价格”。)

14. Slung burning asha and M'sia, I love you pvp both so much, plus you've got earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House. (翻译:看着those。我要感动两个女儿萨沙和玛丽娅,我太爱你们两个了,你们将得到一条新的小狗,它将与我们一起入住白宫。)

15. I think about our acronym: LGBTQ2SIA. (翻译:我想了一下形容我们的 首字母缩写简称: LGBTQ2SIA )


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