qiu是什么意思 qiu的中文翻译、读音、例句

qiu通常被翻译为"邱、裘"的意思,在英美地区还有"取"的意思,发音是[美 ],qiu在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到84个与qiu相关的近义词和例句。

qiu是什么意思 qiu的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:qiu是一个汉字,常常表示圆形物体,如球、蛋、果实等等。

2. 词性:qiu是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:

- 篮球(qiú) - basketball

- 足球(zú qiú) - football (soccer)

- 乒乓球(pīng pāng qiú) - table tennis

- 水球(shuǐ qiú) - water polo

- 排球(pái qiú) - volleyball

4. 短语:

- 手感不错的球(shǒu gǎn bù cuò de qiú) - a ball with a good touch

- 打得很高(hěn gāo),很远(hěn yuǎn)的球 - a ball hit high and far

- 滚动的球(gǔn dòng de qiú) - a rolling ball

- 看不到的球(kàn bù dào de qiú) - an invisible ball

- 空中接力的球(kōng zhōng jiē lì de qiú) - an aerial pass ball

5. 发音拼写:qiu的拼音是“qiú”,由“氵”和“求”两个部分组成,声调为第三声。


1. 他扔出去的球(qiú),让我需要冲往左边,欧美人气的球(qiú)才能接上。

His throw sent me running to the left, just to catch up with his popular ball.

2. 在中国,足球(zú qiú)是最受欢迎的体育运动之一。

Football (soccer) is one of the most popular sports in China.

3. 他们在海边玩水球(shuǐ qiú),享受着阳光和海浪。

They were playing water polo by the beach, enjoying the sun and the waves.

4. 你能不能把这个篮球(qiú)打进篮筐里?

Can you put this basketball into the hoop?

5. 我喜欢在院子里踢足球(zú qiú),和我的小伙伴们一起玩耍。

I like playing football (soccer) in the yard, having fun with my buddies.




1. 这是一个美丽的秋季景色。(This is a beautiful autumn scenery.)

2. 他在秋季喜欢去采摘苹果。(He likes to go apple-picking in the autumn.)

3. 这个词的拼音是“qiu”。(The Pinyin of this word is "qiu".)




例句:But the letter in reply that gets Qiu Zui or random code. (但是收到秋醉的回信还是乱码。)


例句:This is online map of the address "Qiu Lin Xiang Qiu Lin Xiang Zhang Li Cun , Yichuan County, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, China" . (这是地址“中国陕西省延安市宜川县秋林乡秋林乡掌里村”匹配的在线电子地图。)


例句:Can also take Li Gao Qiu, Yin Qingfei ointment, such as Ziyin Guiling Gao Runfei of goods, can prevent dry. (也可服用秋梨膏、养阴清肺膏、龟苓膏等滋阴润肺之品,均能防燥。)


例句:Tomorrow onwards... you are no longer a member of the operations. (翻译:Qiu; Tomorrow onwards... 从明天开始你不用回行动组了 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}you are no longer a member of the operations.)


qiu一般作为名词使用,如在kong qiu([网络] 孔丘)、qiu chuji([网络] 丘处机;丘掌门;长春真人西游简述)、Qiu Ying([网络] 何谓)等常见短语中出现较多。

kong qiu[网络] 孔丘
qiu chuji[网络] 丘处机;丘掌门;长春真人西游简述
Qiu Ying[网络] 何谓


1. Can also take Li Gao Qiu, Yin Qingfei ointment, such as Ziyin Guiling Gao Runfei of goods, can prevent dry. (翻译:也可服用秋梨膏、养阴清肺膏、龟苓膏等滋阴润肺之品,均能防燥。)

2. Tomorrow onwards... you are no longer a member of the operations. (翻译:Qiu; Tomorrow onwards... 从明天开始你不用回行动组了 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}you are no longer a member of the operations.)

3. This puts "Years of Red Dust" at something of a disadvantage because many of the stories Qiu tells are already quite familiar in the West. (翻译:然而,从这个角度来说,本书《红尘岁月》并无特别之处,因为裘小龙笔下的故事,许多西方人都已相当熟悉。)

4. The Attorney General is talking about granting Qui asylum. (翻译:总检察长正在商谈给邱提供避护所 The Attorney General is talking about granting Qiu asylum.)

5. Located in Meteor Garden in Huilongguan, northern Beijing, Ku Qiu looks like any other eatery from the outside. (翻译:哭球座落在北京城北回龙观的流星花园,表面上看起来就像这儿的任何餐馆一样。)

6. Unexpectedly, dawn to this Cay, on its own float, mentioned just now is pray for you, qiu fo bless Nine Lives. (翻译:不料黎明自己漂到这个礁岛上,刚才正是为你祈祷,求佛保佑九死一生。)

7. Kan Specialty Material spokesman said the company never offered bribes to Mr. Qiu or to the Economic Observer. (翻译:凯恩公司的一个新闻发言人声称公司从未向仇先生及《经济观察报》提供贿赂。)

8. And so the entrepreneurs behind Rino - Zou Dejun and his wife, Qiu Jianping - turned to Wall Street. (翻译:所以绿诺科技背后的企业家,邹德军和他的妻子邱剑萍求助于华尔街。)

9. Qiu Zihua is the pathbreaker of oriental aesthetics. (翻译:邱紫华先生是东方美学的拓荒者。)

10. Subsequently, Chen Shaoze also visited Qiu Chengdun site and Wu culture exhibition hall, and had a detailed knowledge of the Hongshan National Archaeological Park. (翻译:随后,陈绍泽还参观了邱承墩遗址和吴文化展厅,并详细了解了鸿山国家考古遗址公园的有关情况。)

11. In particular Professor Qiu Xigui, the ancient Chinese language expert, really appreciated Cai Wei's talent. (翻译:尤其是古文字专家裘锡圭教授,他对于蔡伟的才华大为赞赏。)

12. Additional, in Qiu Dong season, because hand ministry, head is mixed cervical it is dew outside, be about to wear scarf so, glove and earcap will have heat preservation effect. (翻译:另外,在秋冬季,由于手部、头部和颈部都是露在外面的,所以就要戴围巾,手套和耳套来起到保暖作用。)

13. He made Qiu Xinghua promise to pay by a certain date and he raised his voice deliberately. (翻译:他让邱兴华保证某天之内还,并故意将声音提高。)

14. Qiu and his family went into hiding to avoid being detained, according to a person familiar with the matter. (翻译:据一位知情人士透露,仇子明和家人因此躲了起来,以免被拘留。)

15. China's new bioethics regulations will protect human subjects while allowing biomedicine and biotechnologies to develop, argues Qiu Renzong. (翻译:邱仁宗认为,中国的生命伦理条例将保护人类受试者,同时允许生物医学和生物技术发展。)


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