illusory是什么意思 illusory的中文翻译、读音、例句


illusory是什么意思 illusory的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:illusory 意为“虚幻的,幻觉的”,指的是不真实的、虚假的、不存在的,常用来形容一些想象中的、无法实现的事物。


词组搭配:illusory dream(虚幻的梦想)、illusory hope(虚幻的希望)、illusory world(幻像世界)




1. The idea of true love is often illusory.(真爱的概念经常是虚幻的。)

2. The dream of becoming a millionaire overnight is illusory.(一夜暴富的梦想是幻觉。)

3. The happiness that fame and fortune bring is often illusory.(名利带来的幸福往往是虚幻的。)

4. His idyllic vision of rural life was illusory.(他对乡村生活的田园幻想是虚幻的。)

5. The mirage in the desert is an illusory image caused by the reflection of light.(沙漠中的海市蜃楼是光的反射引起的虚幻图像。)

6. The magician created an illusory world for the audience.(魔术师为观众创造了一个虚幻的世界。)

7. The company's profits were illusory because they were based on accounting tricks.(公司的利润是虚假的,因为它们是基于会计把戏的。)




1. The idea of living a perfect life is illusory. (追求完美生活的想法是虚幻的。)

2. The magician's illusions were so convincing that many people believed they were real. (魔术师的幻觉非常逼真,许多人认为它们是真实的。)

3. The company's success was illusory and quickly faded away. (公司的成功是虚幻的,很快就消失了。)




例句:Also some being doomed, several are selects definitely, the mind strength, actually treads already illusory which had. (亦有的注定,几是的决择,心灵的力量,却是踏出已有的空幻。)


例句:For years Dr. Dennett has argued that qualia, in the airy way they have been defined in philosophy, are illusory. (多年来,Dennett博士一直在争论“感觉”的问题,这个感觉在哲学里被称为虚幻。)


例句:We have watched so many of you suffer and acquiesce to the seemingly unending and illusory power of the dark. (我们已经观察到你们中的许多人在这种被默许的,看似无休止的,虚幻的权力中遭受了伤害。)


例句:Reality is often illusory: pure reflection of desires, dreams, old memories. Don't be deceived. Remove every mask of others and yourself. (翻译:现实是经常产生幻觉的:欲望的纯粹反映,梦想,旧的记忆。不要被欺骗。除去你自己的其他的每个面具。)


illusory一般作为名词使用,如在edge illusory(边缘错觉)、illusory association(假关联)、illusory conjunction(错觉联结、错觉组合)等常见短语中出现较多。

edge illusory边缘错觉
illusory association假关联
illusory conjunction错觉联结、错觉组合
illusory contour错觉轮廓
illusory correlation缪误相关、错误相关, 假相关
illusory trust虚拟信托


1. We have watched so many of you suffer and acquiesce to the seemingly unending and illusory power of the dark. (翻译:我们已经观察到你们中的许多人在这种被默许的,看似无休止的,虚幻的权力中遭受了伤害。)

2. Reality is often illusory: pure reflection of desires, dreams, old memories. Don't be deceived. Remove every mask of others and yourself. (翻译:现实是经常产生幻觉的:欲望的纯粹反映,梦想,旧的记忆。不要被欺骗。除去你自己的其他的每个面具。)

3. Subjects indicated that this illusory shift was in the direction of the planar motion. (翻译:主题表示,这一转变是虚幻的方向平面运动。)

4. This restlessness and thirst for adventure is, for the most part, barren and illusory, Because it is uncreative. (翻译:这种不安定性的冒险的渴望,在极大程度上是无聊的虚幻的,因为它缺乏创造性。)

5. This is an experiment done by Jennifer Whitson at U.T. Austin on corporate environments and whether feelings of uncertainty and out of control makes people see illusory patterns. (翻译:这是奥斯顿大学的 Jennifer Whitson 所做的一个实验 她想知道在企业环境中 不确定和失控的感觉 是否会让人看见一些虚幻的模式 )

6. Actually it's not a dream, I told her, but it takes part in the illusory nature of dreaming, because it is the future, therefore, of time. (翻译:实际上,我告诉她 这不是在做梦 却在性质上 又有几分和梦境相似)

7. "It's an illusory sense of being trapped," said Robinson. (翻译:罗宾逊说:“这是一种被困住的错觉。” )

8. The evidence necessary to try Evans for the abduction of the five young women proved illusory. (翻译:审判艾凡斯五名年轻女子的必要证据 证明是子虚乌有 证据不够充分)

9. The idea that there is a religious basis for this is illusory, for not even the Pope has been able to control it. (翻译:认为这种冲突有基础的想法是不切实际的,因为即使是教皇也无法控制这种冲突。)

10. And also, when things go wrong, we try to fix the outside so much, but our control of the outer world is limited, temporary, and often, illusory. (翻译:另一方面,当生活出现问题时,我们关注的总是那些外在的因素, 们对外部世界的掌控是有限的、暂时的,而且通常是虚幻的。)

11. This is an experiment done by Jennifer Whitson at U.T. Austin on corporate environments and whether feelings of uncertainty and out of control makes people see illusory patterns. (翻译:这是奥斯顿大学的 Jennifer Whitson 所做的一个实验 她想知道在企业环境中 不确定和失控的感觉 是否会让人看见一些虚幻的模式)

12. Reinstating the draft is illusory in this regard. (翻译:恢复草案是虚幻的,在这方面的工作。)

13. When copy module changes into a it becomes illusory and valueless. "Anti module" has a quality of innovative thinking. (翻译:“仿模”若形成影子,就成了虚幻无价值的东西。)

14. And also, when things go wrong, we try to fix the outside so much, but our control of the outer world is limited, temporary, and often, illusory. (翻译:另一方面,当生活出现问题时,我们关注的总是那些外在的因素, 们对外部世界的掌控是有限的、暂时的,而且通常是虚幻的。)

15. The perpetrator used a gateway at an IT firm in Germany... then went through the US college net to access the US Forces Japan's base servers... and then accessed Fuchu COC's mainframe to stage an illusory attack on Tokyo. (翻译:犯人透过德国情报服务公司的管道 经由美国大学的网路 然后潜入驻日美军基地系统 借由府中COC的主要架构)


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