isb是什么意思 isb的中文翻译、读音、例句


isb是什么意思 isb的中文翻译、读音、例句

ISB 可以是以下三种缩写的一种:

1. Indian School of Business 印度商学院

2. International Society for Biosafety Research 国际生物安全研究协会

3. Institute of Systems Biology 系统生物学研究所



1. ISB alumni association 印度商学院校友会

2. ISB Hyderabad campus 印度商学院海得拉巴校区

3. ISB tank 墨西哥湾油罐船

4. ISB indicator 瑞银资管公司的指数

5. ISB interview 印度商学院面试

6. ISB admission 印度商学院录取

7. ISB leadership summit 印度商学院领导力高峰会议

发音拼写:[aɪ ɛs bi]


1. The ISB alumni association organized a reunion for the graduates.(印度商学院校友会为毕业生组织了一次团聚活动。)

2. The ISB Hyderabad campus is known for its state-of-the-art facilities.(印度商学院海得拉巴校区以其先进设施而闻名。)

3. The explosion on the ISB tanker caused an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.(墨西哥湾油罐船爆炸导致油泄漏。)

4. The ISB indicator shows that the economy is growing at a steady pace.(瑞银资管公司的指数显示经济以稳定的速度增长。)

5. The ISB interview is a crucial step in the admission process.(印度商学院的面试是录取过程中至关重要的一步。)

6. Achieving a high score in the AT is important for ISB admission.(在AT考试中取得高分对于印度商学院的录取非常重要。)

7. The ISB leadership summit brings together industry experts from around the world.(印度商学院领导力高峰会议汇集了来自全球的行业专家。)


1. Indian School of Business (印度商学院):一个总部位于印度海德拉巴的高等商学院。

例句:I applied for an MBA program at ISB and got accepted.

2. Information Systems and Bioinformatics:信息系统与生物信息学,这是一个交叉学科领域,涉及计算机科学、生物学和信息学等学科。

例句:ISB is a rapidly growing field that involves using computational techniques to study biological data.

3. Inflatable safety belt:可充气安全带,是一种新型的汽车安全装置,由福特汽车公司推出。

例句:The inflatable safety belt (ISB) is designed to enhance safety for rear-seat passengers.


1. 印度商学院

2. 信息系统与生物信息学

3. 可充气安全带

读音:[ai es bi]


1. 我申请了ISB的MBA项目并被录取了。

2. ISB是一个快速发展的领域,涉及使用计算技术研究生物数据。

3. 可充气安全带(ISB)旨在提高乘客的安全性。




例句:I'm going to play it all the way through and you're going to follow. (我这就来把它从头到尾的演奏一遍。你会跟随这琴声,B, C, B, C, B, C, B-- )


例句:To Mr. B-b-b-blaylocke yesterday! ({\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}布――布――布雷洛克的!)


例句:I got (a) B minus (B-) in the test. (这次考试我得了个B-。)


例句:And he will deny it. For us boys, it's all about F.B.B. (翻译:其实他也不会心动 对男人而言 我们只关心F.)


1. I got (a) B minus (B-) in the test. (翻译:这次考试我得了个B-。)

2. And he will deny it. For us boys, it's all about F.B.B. (翻译:其实他也不会心动 对男人而言 我们只关心F.)

3. And I'm going to play it all the way through and you're going to follow. B, C, B, C, B, C, B -- down to A, down to G, down to F. (翻译:我这就来把它从头到尾的演奏一遍。你会跟随这琴声,B, C, B, C, B, C, B-- 到A,到G,到F)

4. But I couldn't speak to Mr. B-b-b-blaylocke (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}没法再问布――布――布雷洛克了)

5. They're "B" players, and "B" players discourage the "A" players. (翻译:他们都是“二等” 致谢“二等”只会让“一等”的丧气)

6. In this example, you would encode the string a + b as a%20%2B%20b. (翻译:在本例中,可以将字符串 a + b 编码为 a%20%2B%20b。)

7. I'm Cuban, B. Yes, Cuban B. (翻译:- 我是古巴人,B。- 是的,古巴B。)

8. This is the B.B.C. Third Programme. (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}维多莉亚·佩吉 这是BBC电台)

9. Now, Roc, are you sure that you're "O-B-kay-B"? (翻译:现在,洛克 你确定自己“准-啊-备-啊“好了)

10. Then less than a week later, 5 B, 25 B and 50 B ZWD notes were introduced, and later, in July, a 100 B denomination was introduced. (翻译:一周不到,5亿、25亿和50亿津巴布韦元纸币被发行了,以后,到了7月份,出现了100亿面值的货币。)

11. - Oh, no- - No, Ma, I was talking to that evil little dwarf woman at the B-and-B. (翻译:不,我当时正在和 那个丑恶的侏儒女人讲话)

12. If we have "A" and "B" intersecting. And "A" and "B". (翻译:如果有集合A和集合B,两者相交 以及这个集合A和集合B)

13. 8% of $15B means $1.2B will go to the needy. (翻译:150亿乘百分之八 就是每年至少有12亿用来扶贫)

14. This helps to facilitate dynamic B2B discovery. (翻译:这样有助于动态b2b发现。)

15. Plan B: a population bomb. (翻译:B计划 人口 Plan B, a population bomb.)




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