expellant是什么意思 expellant的中文翻译、读音、例句

expellant在英语中代表"有驱除力的、排毒药"的意思,其中文解释还有"赶出的\"的意思,读音为[美 ɪks'pelənt],expellant常被用作名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到89个与expellant相关的近义词和例句。

expellant是什么意思 expellant的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Objective To expel the artificial technique factor, study the main factors that affect the effect of injective augmentation mammaplasty. (目的:排除人为技术因素,探讨影响注射式隆乳外形效果的主要因素。)


例句:What am I supposed to think? They can expel me next year (你要我说什么,你想我像 上一年那样做年度总结吗)


例句:So a superconductor will try to expel magnetic field from the inside, and it has the means to do that by circulating currents. (因此超导体会把磁场从内部驱逐出去, 通过循环电流就能做到。)


例句:Unfortunately, the high costs of building and maintaining a nuclear power lant have led to a much slower rate of growth than was predicted. (翻译:不幸的是,建立和维持核发电厂的成本很高,使得建设速度要比原先预料的慢许多。)


expellant一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在expellant bag(弹性箱)、expellant gas(排出的气体)等常见短语中出现较多。

expellant bag弹性箱
expellant gas排出的气体


1. So a superconductor will try to expel magnetic field from the inside, and it has the means to do that by circulating currents. (翻译:因此超导体会把磁场从内部驱逐出去, 通过循环电流就能做到。)

2. Unfortunately, the high costs of building and maintaining a nuclear power lant have led to a much slower rate of growth than was predicted. (翻译:不幸的是,建立和维持核发电厂的成本很高,使得建设速度要比原先预料的慢许多。)

3. My first act as sole Caretaker will be to expel all my enemies. (翻译:作为看管人的第一项工作 就是把所有的敌人赶出去)

4. Many modern PSUs expel the air from the rear, but only from the PSU itself. (翻译:许多现代事业单位驱逐的空气从后面,但只有从电源本身。)

5. Well, you expel one yale-bound senior, It gets people's attention. (翻译:开除本来要去耶鲁的高三学生 人们当然很关注)

6. Repelling vanes shall be provided on the top shroud to expel solids and reduce axial thrust and pressure at the seal area. (翻译:在泵顶部应该配置排斥叶片,用于排出固体颗粒,减少轴向推力和密封区域的压力。)

7. We'll expel him if his situation doesn't improve. (翻译:如果情况再没改善的话, 我们会要求他退学)

8. BUTLER: They're sticking. No release till we expel the shah. (翻译:他们立场很坚定 若我们不驱逐沙赫,他们就不放人)

9. If you know in your heart that these things are right for you, stop trying to fix, change, expel, or squash them. (翻译:如果你真心知道这些对你来说是合适的,停止去弥补、改变、驱逐或粉碎它们。)

10. But in 2005, Rela was given new powers as Malaysia launched a campaign to expel illegal foreign workers. (翻译:但在2005年,在马来西亚发起了一场驱逐外国工人的运动后,Rela被赋予了新的权力。)

11. Does the kitten expel parasite being able to change a vermifuge? (翻译:您的位置:凡人谷知道>娱乐休闲>宠物>小猫驱虫可以更换驱虫药么? )

12. Expel all Angels from Heaven, just as God cast out Lucifer. (翻译:驱逐天堂所有天使 就像上帝驱逐路西法那样)

13. So a superconductor will try to expel magnetic field from the inside, and it has the means to do that by circulating currents. (翻译:因此超导体会把磁场从内部驱逐出去, 通过循环电流就能做到。)

14. She says much of that will support business training and development programs in lant america asia and east europe. (翻译:其中大部分用于资助拉丁美洲,亚洲和东欧的商业培训和发展项目。)

15. He came to Lant Street about once a year, bringing poke to Mr Ibbs, and picking up bad coin, cautions, and tips. (翻译:大概一年前他来到兰特街,给易先生带了点货,小心的挑出,还收了小费。)


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