dorazio是什么意思 dorazio的中文翻译、读音、例句


dorazio是什么意思 dorazio的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:but it had no other effect upon Dora tha to depress her spirits, and make her always nervous with the dread that it would be her turn next. (但它在朵拉身上,除了让她精神沮丧,总是因害怕下一个就轮到她而紧张之外,没有别的效果。)

例句:- Dora Martin's Hamburg actor lover. - No, Miss Bernhardt's. (他跟多拉·玛丁有一手 是贝恩哈特的情人)


例句:Why did you say yes when I asked you to sew my quote in? (呃 你好像对任何事对没关系的样子 我是Dora 我总是对任何事对没关系的)


例句:You know, let them fool around with it on their own terms and trust me, they're going to learn things that you can't get out of playing with Dora the Explorer toys. (翻译:但是,请相信我,让他们随心所欲地玩火, 他们一定能够学到 比玩玩具“探险家Dora”所学不到的知识。)


1. Why did you say yes when I asked you to sew my quote in? (翻译:呃 你好像对任何事对没关系的样子 我是Dora 我总是对任何事对没关系的)

2. You know, let them fool around with it on their own terms and trust me, they're going to learn things that you can't get out of playing with Dora the Explorer toys. (翻译:但是,请相信我,让他们随心所欲地玩火, 他们一定能够学到 比玩玩具“探险家Dora”所学不到的知识。)

3. 'Oh, please don't be practical! begged Dora, tears coming to her lovely eyes. 'It frightens me so much! ' (翻译:“噢,请别谈现实”!她乞求道,可爱的双眼涌出泪水,“它让我好害怕!”)

4. - Dora need Ali, so Ali stay. (翻译:- Dóra 需要 Ali, 所以 Ali 留了下来)

5. From now on, I will never say yes when I want to say no! (翻译:我不会让别人骑在我的头上了 我不会当一个Dora垫的)

6. Dora had never received such a gift; she had no finery except her wedding ring. (翻译:多拉从未收到过这样的礼物;除了结婚戒指外,她没有别的饰物。)

7. Dora and Kristina have identified ten topics that have sparked intense and fervent exchanges. (翻译:Dora和Kristina在这里选择了十个最具争议的话题。)

8. Dora Ratjen, fourth in the women's high jump in Berlin in 1936, was actually a man. (翻译:多拉-拉特延,1936年柏林奥运会女子跳高的第四名,实际上是名男性。)

9. He watched as Rory and Dora Jansen made their way to the limo. (翻译:望着罗瑞和朵拉向豪华轿车走去的背影 He watched as Rory and Dora Jansen made their way to the limo.)

10. We start by pulling everything there is on Dora Lange. (翻译:先调出一切有关Dora Lange案子的资料 We start by pulling everything there is on Dora Lange.)

11. I told you about that, Dora. It's your tracking. (翻译:我跟你说过的 Dora 那是你机子的毛病)

12. Dora, listen. The maid has a lot more dialogue in the novel. (翻译:Dóra, 听着,在小说里那个女佣有很长的一段对白)

13. Artie's Uncle Zio finished the framing... but now the Sheetrock, it's wet on the bottom. (翻译:亚瑟的叔叔伊欧完成了边框 但是现在石膏板底部是湿的)

14. Now, the question I'd be asking myself, marshal is what was Miss Dora doing in a married man's bed? (翻译:我一直问自己一个问题,法警官 我一直问自己一个问题,法警官)

15. As soon as he realised all this, Alfie was instantly returned to the playground, in front of Dora, just where he had left her. (翻译:就在他意识到这点时,阿尔菲立刻回到了操场,多拉的面前,就是他之前离开的地方。)


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