toolpaths是什么意思 toolpaths的中文翻译、读音、例句


toolpaths是什么意思 toolpaths的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:To make it the tool of our survival. (让它成为人类生存的工具 To make it the tool of our survival.)


例句:Selecting a tool is entering a mode because, when a tool is selected, the behavior of the program conforms to the attributes of that tool . (选择一种工具就是进入一种模态,并且在选择某个工具时程序的行为就遵从这个工具的特性,程序同时只能有一种行为方式。)


例句:If they existed, we would've crossed paths with them or know someone that crossed paths with them. No. (要是有 你不觉得我们早该碰到了 或者至少听说有人碰见过)、刀具路径

例句:The garden of forking paths. (翻译:小径分岔的花园。)


1. If they existed, we would've crossed paths with them or know someone that crossed paths with them. No. (翻译:要是有 你不觉得我们早该碰到了 或者至少听说有人碰见过)

2. The garden of forking paths. (翻译:小径分岔的花园。)

3. You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths. (翻译:你说我们在不同的轨道上 不是不同的轨道,你就是我的轨道)

4. Welcome to the newest tool in our police belt, people. (翻译:欢迎参观我们警局的新工具 Welcome to the newest tool in our police belt, people.)

5. But as they made their way back into the woods, their familiar paths were nowhere to be found. (翻译:但当他们重回森林时 But as they made their way back into the woods, 他们熟悉的路已经找不到了 their familiar paths were nowhere to be found.)

6. That tool has helped you get the best arrest record at Metro. (翻译:它帮你达到了都市警局最棒的破案率 That tool has helped you get the best arrest record at Metro.)

7. For a wireline tool, the reference point is normally the bottom of the tool string. (翻译:对于电缆测井仪,参考点常指仪器串的底端;)

8. I can imagine crossing paths with a doctor... a judge, but someone like Mr Lombard? (翻译:我能想象出认识医生... I can imagine crossing paths with a doctor... 法官 可像隆巴德先生这样的人?)

9. You must pierce their side with a tool. (翻译:你必须用工具刺进它们侧身 You must pierce their side with a tool.)

10. This is a tool, but this is a tool that, unless we're careful, will burn us. (翻译:火是一种工具 但是如果使用不当就会引火烧身 )

11. I have the tool you wanted. Thank you. (翻译:我给你带了你要的工具 I have the tool you wanted.)

12. You believe in violence as a tool for social change. (翻译:你相信暴力是推动社会变革的工具 You believe in violence as a tool for social change.)

13. - Go over there in the tool case. (翻译:- What wrench? - Go over there in the tool case.)

14. Suppose I could use a power tool? (翻译:我能不能搞个带劲的东西玩玩 {\3cH202020}Suppose I could use a power tool?)

15. Alas, their paths were to part once more. (翻译:然而 他们又将分开 Hélas! Leurs chemins devaient se séparer encore.)


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