albatross是什么意思 albatross的中文翻译、读音、例句


albatross是什么意思 albatross的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 定义:albatross是一种大型海鸟,生活在南半球的海洋和海岸地区。

2. 特征:albatross有长长的翅膀和纤细的脚,它们通常成对或成群飞行,飞行能力非常强。

3. 比喻:albatross也引申为比喻,表示某个问题或成就成为某人的负担或阻碍,称为“albatross around one's neck”。

4. 文化:albatross在文化中有重要的地位,在萨缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治的诗歌《古船》中,albatross成为诗歌的象征。


1. The albatross is one of the largest flying birds in the world, with a wingspan of up to 11 feet.(albatross是世界上最大的之一,翼展可达11英尺。)

2. Albatrosses can fly for hours without flapping their wings, using the wind to stay aloft.(albatross可以在没有振翅的情况下飞行数小时,利用风力保持飞行。)

3. The albatross is an important symbol in literature, representing spiritual redemption and .(albatross是文学中的重要象征,代表着精神上的救赎和自由。)

4. The company's poor reputation has become an albatross around its neck, it difficult to attract new customers.(公司的不良信誉已成为它的负担,使其难以吸引新客户。)

5. She felt like an albatross around her family's neck, burdened by the responsibility of taking care of her aging parents. (她觉得自己像是家人的负担,因为要负责照顾年迈的父母。)




1. The albatross is a large seabird that can fly for long distances without stopping.


2. The sailors believed that killing an albatross would bring bad luck to their voyage.





例句:Commanding Officer 817 Squadron, Commanding Officer HMS Albatross. (817中队指挥官,HMS信天翁号指挥官 Commanding Officer 817 Squadron, Commanding Officer HMS Albatross.)


例句:As for this party's main character, our Albatross Entertainment's reliable supporter. (还有今天我们派对主人公 作为我们这些兼职人的坚强的支柱)


例句:A four-month old Laysan Albatross chick died with this in its stomach. (这是一只四个月大的黑背信天翁幼鸟 它死的时候,胃里是这些东西 )


例句:The albatross drinks sea water. It has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess salt. (翻译:信天翁喝海水。它体内有一个特殊的淡化器官可将过多的盐分过滤出来。)


albatross一般作为名词使用,如在sooty albatross(【鸟类】乌信天翁(Diomedea fusca))、wandering albatross(n. 漂泊信天翁)等常见短语中出现较多。

sooty albatross【鸟类】乌信天翁(Diomedea fusca)
wandering albatrossn. 漂泊信天翁


1. A four-month old Laysan Albatross chick died with this in its stomach. (翻译:这是一只四个月大的黑背信天翁幼鸟 它死的时候,胃里是这些东西 )

2. The albatross drinks sea water. It has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess salt. (翻译:信天翁喝海水。它体内有一个特殊的淡化器官可将过多的盐分过滤出来。)

3. And Brian Allen was able, in a miraculous flight, to get the Gossamer Albatross across the English Channel, and we won the 100,000-pound, 200,000-dollar prize for that. (翻译:结果布莱恩 亚伦真的创造了奇迹, 把秃鹰号飞越了英吉利海峡, 我们又赢了二十万,十万英镑,二十万美元。)

4. This is an albatross six months old, ready to fledge -- died, packed with red cigarette lighters. (翻译:这是一只六个月大的信天翁, 刚要长羽毛—— 却死于肚子里塞满的红色打火机。)

5. When we released that report, we did so three days after the new president, Kibaki, had decided to pal up with the man that he was going to clean out, Daniel arap Moi, so this report then became a dead albatross around President Kibaki's neck. (翻译:当我们公布这份报告时 正是新任总统,Kibaki 决定同那位他企图打击的人 进行合作的三日之后 那人即Daniel arap Moi 所以这份报告在当时 成为了一个致命的负担 压在了Kibaki总统的身上 )

6. On the contrary, the albatross is considered a very good omen. Legend has it they embody the spirits of lost sailors. (翻译:刚好相反,信天翁是吉祥的鸟 是水手亡魂的化身.)

7. A four-month old Laysan Albatross chick died with this in its stomach. (翻译:这是一只四个月大的黑背信天翁幼鸟 它死的时候,胃里是这些东西)

8. And if it's tunas you don't care about, perhaps you might be interested that international long lines and pursing chase down tunas and bycatch animals such as leatherbacks, sharks, marlin, albatross. (翻译:就算如果你对金枪鱼感到无所谓, 那你可能会对 国际性捕捞企业 追捕金枪鱼和附带捕捞的动物 如棱皮龟,鲨鱼, 枪鱼, 信天翁感兴趣。)

9. An albatross is not very competent on the ground, so until it can fly, it isn't good for much and this makes the maiden flight (翻译:信天翁在地面上能力并不出色 所以在它会飞之前实在做不了什么 所以信天翁的首飞)

10. It could, like the modern-day albatross, glide by navigating through thermals but was also fully capable of powered flight. (翻译:它有可能跟现代信天翁一样靠热感应指引方向滑翔,但要全力飞翔还得借助动力。)

11. It would appear to me, sir, with all due respect, that your stewardship as captain of the Albatross... could be characterized as reckless, unbalanced, with no discipline whatsoever. (翻译:你在信天翁号上的指挥 可以说是粗心大意,厚此薄彼 毫无原则)

12. It so happens that millions of albatross nesting on Kure and Midway atolls in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands National Monument forage here and scavenge whatever they can find for regurgitation to their chicks. (翻译:在西北夏威夷群岛国家保护地的两个环礁 库尔环礁和中途岛环礁上 生活着数以百万计的信天翁 它们在这片海域觅食,吃下能找到的所有一切 然后再回吐给幼鸟)

13. And Brian Allen was able, in a miraculous flight, to get the Gossamer Albatross across the English Channel, and we won the 100,000-pound, 200,000-dollar prize for that. (翻译:结果布莱恩 亚伦真的创造了奇迹, 把秃鹰号飞越了英吉利海峡, 我们又赢了二十万,十万英镑,二十万美元。)

14. The notion of you... as an albatross around my daughter's neck for the rest of her life... (CHUCKLES) is too much. (翻译:你打算... 像那些信天翁一样缠着我女儿 在她的有生之年 是太多了)

15. It so happens that millions of albatross nesting on Kure and Midway atolls in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands National Monument forage here and scavenge whatever they can find for regurgitation to their chicks. (翻译:在西北夏威夷群岛国家保护地的两个环礁 库尔环礁和中途岛环礁上 生活着数以百万计的信天翁 它们在这片海域觅食,吃下能找到的所有一切 然后再回吐给幼鸟 )




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