patriarchal是什么意思 patriarchal的中文翻译、读音、例句


patriarchal是什么意思 patriarchal的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 家庭结构:指以父亲为中心的家庭结构。

2. 社会制度:指以男性为主导的社会制度。

3. 性别关系:指男性对女性的支配和控制。

4. 文化观念:指以男性为中心的文化观念。


1. In a patriarchal society, women are often relegated to secondary status.(在一个父权制度的社会中,女性通常被降为次要地位。)

2. Patriarchal family structures are common in many cultures around the world.(父权主义家庭结构在世界上许多文化中很常见。)

3. The patriarchal attitude of some men can be very damaging to women's self-esteem.(一些男性的父权主义态度对女性的自尊心非常有害。)

4. The patriarchal system of government in many countries has caused a lot of political instability.(许多国家的父权制度引起了许多不稳定。)

5. Patriarchal norms often limit women's choices in terms of education and career opportunities.(父权主义规范常常限制女性在教育和职业机会方面的选择。)





1. In many patriarchal societies, women are expected to stay at home and take care of their families.


2. The patriarchal system of inheritance meant that only sons could inherit property.


3. Many feminists argue that patriarchal values and attitudes continue to limit women's opportunities and experiences.





例句:Cutting against the grain of a staunchly patriarchal society, Mr. Soong expected big things from his daughters as well as from his sons. (宋先生与当时坚定的男性宗法社会格格不入,他期盼他的女儿们能和他的儿子一样有出息。)


例句:Faced with a patriarchal society, they have found that by helping each other out, all benefit. (面对着一个由男性主导的社会, 她们发现通过帮助对方, 大家都受益。)


例句:Some feminists have suggested that viewing PMS as a disease is born out of a patriarchal society. (一些女权主义者认为把经前综合症视为一种疾病源自男权社会。)


例句:But Ratan Tata, the patriarchal boss of the Tata Group, had made it clear that a condition of the deal was that Mr Varin stayed. (翻译:但是塔塔集团教父级的总裁拉丹·塔塔很清楚的说这笔交易的条件之一就是瓦兰一直留着。)


patriarchal一般作为形容词使用,如在patriarchal authority(父系权威)、patriarchal clan(宗族)、patriarchal cross(大主教十字架)等常见短语中出现较多。

patriarchal authority父系权威
patriarchal clan宗族
patriarchal cross大主教十字架
patriarchal crosses大主教十字架
patriarchal leadership家长(集权)式领导
patriarchal society[法] 宗法社会
patriarchal theory父权论
patriarchal unconsciousness父权无意识
patriarchal family commune父权制家庭公社


1. Some feminists have suggested that viewing PMS as a disease is born out of a patriarchal society. (翻译:一些女权主义者认为把经前综合症视为一种疾病源自男权社会。)

2. But Ratan Tata, the patriarchal boss of the Tata Group, had made it clear that a condition of the deal was that Mr Varin stayed. (翻译:但是塔塔集团教父级的总裁拉丹·塔塔很清楚的说这笔交易的条件之一就是瓦兰一直留着。)

3. She was under no illusions, " says Abercrombie. " He was a man of his time, from a very patriarchal society. (翻译:她对此不抱有任何幻想,“艾伯克利姆比耶说,”老属于他那个时代,他来自一个古老的族长制社会。)

4. ...whereas in a patriarchal society, our concept of God tends to mimic the way we see our own fathers. (翻译:..而在一个男权社会, 我们对上帝的观念趋向于模仿 我们看到我们自己的父亲的方式。)

5. However, in the patriarchal line, this included the spiritual blessing and privilege of carrying on the Messianic lineage as well. (翻译:在族长家系里,长子权还包括了属灵的祝福,和承续弥赛亚血统的特权。)

6. And in places where you wouldn't think, such as South Korea, India and China, the very strict patriarchal societies are starting to break down a little, and families are no longer strongly preferring first-born sons. (翻译:在一些你想象不到的地方, 如,韩国,印度和中国, 这些非常严谨的父系社会 体系正被打破, 而这些家庭们也不再 强烈地偏好儿子。)

7. So I grew up seeing my mother as a divorcee in a patriarchal environment. (翻译:因此,我在离异的母亲身旁,在一个重男轻女的环境中长大。)

8. The fact that they follow and repeat the dominant gender-power-logic, proves that pubic shaving is a significant part in chauvinistic, patriarchal repression. (翻译:人们延续了占支配地位的两性权力归属逻辑 证明耻毛剃刮 是沙文主义、父权压迫的重要组成部分)

9. And there is one more norm of the patriarchal societies that is called obedience. (翻译:在重男轻女的社会里, 还有一项常态, 那就是服从。)

10. So I decided to take a step, instead of keep questioning these patriarchal structures and societal norms. (翻译:所以我决定采取行动, 而不只是继续质疑 这些父权制结构和社会规范。)

11. And the answer is patriarchal culture, which says to boys and young men that to be needing of relationship, to be emotional with someone is girly. (翻译:答案是父权文化, 它告诉男孩和年轻男人, 跟人建立联系及产生感情是女性化的; )

12. Patriarchal culture and institutions constructed them as chaste, silent, obedient, and subordinate. (翻译:父权文化和制度把她们塑造成贞洁、沉默、顺从和服从的人。)

13. Over several decades, South Korea built one of the most patriarchal societies we know about. (翻译:过去的几十年里, 韩国建立起我们所知的最严格的父系社会。)

14. But Ratan Tata, the patriarchal boss of the Tata Group, had made it clear that a condition of the deal was that Mr Varin stayed. (翻译:但是来自塔塔家族的董事长拉丹•塔塔却清楚的表态,这场交易顺利进行的其中一个条件就是瓦兰必须留下来。)

15. In The Color Purple, Walker subverts the double oppression imposed upon black women by the white patriarchal society. (翻译:在《紫色》中,沃克对白人父权社会强加于黑人女性的双重压迫进行解构。)




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