pallisades是什么意思 pallisades的中文翻译、读音、例句


pallisades是什么意思 pallisades的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:To investigate the nutritional composition of the Nitraria sibirica Pall. and Nitraria tangutorum Bobr. Compared with Cabernet sauvignon. (对西伯利亚白刺与唐古特白刺果实的营养成分进行了研究,并与酿酒葡萄赤霞珠做对比。)


例句:The mayor accepted the commissioner's resignation, stating that recent events had cast a pall over the department. (市长接受局长的辞呈 代表最近的事件让部门蒙上阴影)


例句:We will always support you, but as your standard bearernot as you pall bearer. (我们永远支持您 大臣 We will always support you, 但要给您扛旗 而不是抬棺材 but as your standard bearernot as you pall bearer.)


1. We will always support you, but as your standard bearernot as you pall bearer. (翻译:我们永远支持您 大臣 We will always support you, 但要给您扛旗 而不是抬棺材 but as your standard bearernot as you pall bearer.)

2. A pall of oily black smoke drifted over the cliff-top. (翻译:一股漆黑的烟雾飘过了崖顶。)

3. The clouds of smoke, driven by the wind, hung like a vast pall over Peking. (翻译:被风吹起的烟云,象一块巨大的幕布,笼罩在北京上空。)

4. It competes with British American Tobacco Plc's Pall Mall brand, and Imperial Tobacco Group Plc's JPS cigarettes. (翻译:这个品牌与英美公司的波迈牌卷烟及帝国公司的JPS牌卷烟进行竞争。)

5. Howard said that the list price is increasing 6 cents a pack for its growth brands, Camel and Pall Mall, and also for Doral, GPC, Kool, Misty, Salem and Winston. (翻译:霍华德表示,其增长品牌如骆驼和波迈,以及多尔、GPC、库尔、薄雾、沙龙和云丝顿,牌价增加6美分。)

6. Joint effect of Different Combination of Temperature and Water-content in Soil on the Development of Mylabris phalerata Pall. (翻译:不同温度和土壤含水量对大斑芫菁生长发育的联合作用。)

7. The north fa? Ade, double-skin, and east and west fa? Ades are covered in onsite micro-concrete with large Windows that allow natural daylight to shine in. (翻译:双层北立面以及东西立面均由现场浇筑的微粒混凝土和大的玻璃窗构成。阳光透过玻璃窗投射到室内。)

8. Pall Ma, Lucky Strike, Camel, Phi ip Morris, Malboro. (翻译:Pall Mall, Lucky Strike, Camel, Philip Morris, Malboro.)

9. As one of traditional flowers of China, herb peony(Paeonia lactiflora Pall. ) have broad market prospect. (翻译:作为中国的传统名花,芍药具有广阔的市场远景。)

10. Do sometimes serve us well when our deep plots do pall. (翻译:...... 做出的事反而是深谋密虑所做不成的)

11. That our run-in with that thief might have cast a pall. (翻译:我担心 我们跟那个小偷的争执 会毁了今晚的约会)

12. The traditional Vienna is but one of the many fa? Ades of this city. (翻译:传统的维也纳只是这个“多面城市”的一面而已。)

13. Two in the coffins, two under the dummy floors and the other three disguised as pall bearers. (翻译:两个装在棺材里, 两个在装在夹层 另外的三个人伪装成抬棺人。)

14. The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing. (翻译:动荡的局势给往常举国欢庆的日子蒙上了阴影。)

15. A spokesman for the Oscar-nominated actress said she was devastated and added that naturally it cast a pall over the upcoming award ceremony. (翻译:这位奥斯卡奖入围者的发言人 说她深受打击... 对即将来临的颁奖典礼)






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