gilberto是什么意思 英文名gilberto的翻译、发音、来源


gilberto是什么意思 英文名gilberto的翻译、发音、来源


1. 人名:'Gilberto'可以是一个巴西、葡萄牙等国家的男性名字,意为“光荣之人”或“旁观者”等。比如:

- Gilberto Silva is a former Brazilian footballer who played as a defensive midfielder. (吉尔贝托·席尔瓦是一位曾经在巴西队效力过的防守型中场球员。)

- Gilberto Gil is a Brazilian singer, guitarist, and songwriter, known for his contributions to the Música Popular Brasileira (MPB) genre. (吉尔贝托·吉尔是一位巴西歌手、吉他手和词曲创作人,以对巴西大众音乐流派的贡献著称。)

2. 缩写词:'Gilberto'在某些上下文中可能代表一些机构名称或缩写词。比如:

- GILBERTO stands for Global Information & Learning Behaviour Tracking Online. (GILBERTO代表全球信息和学习行为跟踪在线。)

- Gilberto is the name of a public school district in Arizona, USA. (Gilberto是美国亚利桑那州的一个公立学校区名字。)

3. 地名:'Gilberto'也可能是一些地名的名称,比如:

- Gilberto is a munility in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. (吉尔贝托市位于巴西圣卡塔琳娜州。)

- Gilberto is a neighborhood in the city of Cidade Ocidental, Brazil. (吉尔贝托是巴西西达迪·奥西登塔尔城市的一个社区。)

4. 艺术家作品:'Gilberto'也可能是某些艺术家(如音乐家、画家等)作品的名称或写作风格的代称,比如:

- João Gilberto is a Brazilian singer, guitarist, and songwriter who is credited with developing the bossa nova style of music. (乔昂·吉尔贝托是一位巴西歌手、吉他手和词曲创作人,被誉为发展出巴萨诺瓦音乐风格的人。)

- Alberto Gilbert is an American painter known for his abstract expressionism style. (阿尔贝托·吉尔伯特是一位以抽象表现主义风格闻名的美国画家。)

5. 其它含义:'Gilberto'还可能有其它比较特殊的含义,比如:

- In Mexican Spanish slang, 'gilberto' can mean someone who is gullible or easily fooled. (在墨西哥西班牙俚语中,“gilberto”可以表示某个容易上当受骗的人。)

- Gilberto is the name of a fictional character who appears in the Brazilian TV series 'O Clone'. (吉尔贝托是出现在巴西电视连续剧《克隆人》中的一个虚构角色。)


1. Gilberto's boss thinks he has a lot of potential and will be a great asset to the company.


2. I watched a documentary about João Gilberto last night and learned a lot about the history of bossa nova music.


3. The school district superintendent, Dr. Gilberto Rodriguez, announced his retirement at the end of the school year.


4. Alberto Gilbert's paintings are very popular with collectors and have been exhibited in museums around the world.


5. Be careful not to trust everyone you meet - there are a lot of gilbertos out there who will try to take advantage of you.

(小心不要相信你遇到的每个人 - 有很多人会试图占你的便宜,像吉尔贝托那样。)

Gilberto的中文翻译为“吉尔伯托”,读音为“jí ěr bó tuō”。


1. Gilberto是一位著名的巴西音乐家和歌手。

2. 我很喜欢吉尔伯托的音乐作品,特别是他的经典歌曲“波西米亚”。

3. Gilberto的音乐风格融合了许多元素,包括传统巴西音乐、爵士乐和拉丁音乐,创造出独特而美妙的音乐体验。




例句:I can reveal Gilberto will be my vice-captain and, while he's hardly a screamer, he calms the team down. He's Brazilian. He's chilled. (我可以宣布,吉尔博托将成为我们的副队长,他在场上几乎没有喊叫,他能够使球队冷静。他是巴西人,而且头脑冷静。)


例句:Gilberto Angulos does not need to say a word to tell the tale of working 30 years in Chile's mines. (吉尔伯托安格洛斯不需要说一句话来讲述他在智利矿山工作30年的故。)


例句:Gilberto joined Arsenal from Brazilian side Atletico Mineiro after the 2002 World Cup and won two FA Cups and the Premier League title during his spell at the club. (吉尔伯托从巴西球队米内洛竞技转会到阿森纳,在阿森纳期间赢得了2个足总杯冠军和2个英超冠军。)


例句:Gilberto Calzadilla 255 Manrique st. (翻译:吉尔伯托·卡尔札迪拉 曼莱克大街255号)





1. Gilberto joined Arsenal from Brazilian side Atletico Mineiro after the 2002 World Cup and won two FA Cups and the Premier League title during his spell at the club. (翻译:吉尔伯托从巴西球队米内洛竞技转会到阿森纳,在阿森纳期间赢得了2个足总杯冠军和2个英超冠军。)

2. Gilberto Calzadilla 255 Manrique st. (翻译:吉尔伯托·卡尔札迪拉 曼莱克大街255号)

3. Gilberto is like Jens Lehmann, you can rely on them, they are fantastic professionals. (翻译:吉尔·博托就像莱曼一样,你可以信赖他们,他们是了不起的职业球员。)

4. We had other offers but we respected Gilberto's desire to sign for Panathinaikos. (翻译:我们有其他报价,但是我们尊重吉尔伯托愿望,他想与帕纳辛纳克斯签约。)

5. Gilberto highlighted the matches against Real Madrid and the win at the Bernabeu as the turning point in the post-Vieira Arsenal. (翻译:吉尔博托强调在伯纳乌与皇家马德里的比赛对后维埃拉时代的阿森纳来说是个转折点。)

6. "Gilberto is under contract, we have had no offer so the subject is closed, " he said. (翻译:吉尔博托还在履行他的合同,我们没有收到对他的报价,所以这个话题可以结束了。)

7. GILBERTO SILVA has blasted Didier Drogba for claiming Arsenal are no longer title challengers. (翻译:吉尔博托被德罗巴宣称的阿森纳不再是联赛冠军争夺者的言论所激怒。)

8. The military didn't arrest left wing musicians, but instead, targeted the leaders of Tropicalia, Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil. (翻译:军方没有逮捕左翼的音乐家们,但相反,针对哥塔诺·维罗索和吉尔伯托·吉尔。)

9. In 1965, Brazilians Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz won a Grammy Award for their international hit song, "The Girl From Ipanema. " (翻译:在1965年,巴西人吉尔伯托和史丹佳驰,赢得一次格莱美音乐奖为他们的国际的打击乐,“这女孩从依帕内玛。”)

10. We have Gilberto while Denilson is back after an injury. (翻译:我们有吉尔博托,还有受伤回归的德尼尔森。)




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