krusell是什么意思 krusell的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


krusell是什么意思 krusell的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



例句:One year it got so bad, they had to sell some of their jewels. (they had to sell some of their jewels.)


例句:Private firms can sell their arms abroad? (私营企业也能出口? Private firms can sell their arms abroad?)


例句:They were not given to me to sell. (它们不是拿来卖的. They were not given to me to sell.)


例句:♪ Sell me a bill of goods, model and mold me ♪ (翻译:* Sell me a bill of goods,model and mold me *)


1. They were not given to me to sell. (翻译:它们不是拿来卖的. They were not given to me to sell.)

2. ♪ Sell me a bill of goods, model and mold me ♪ (翻译:* Sell me a bill of goods,model and mold me *)

3. And if rumors of my involvement can help sell tickets, well, then good. (翻译:And if rumors of my involvement can help sell tickets, well, then good.)

4. But, if you have to sell it, sell it with me in it! (翻译:如果你无论如何都要将它舍弃 那也把我一起卖了吧)

5. 500, if we manage to sell the tobacco. (翻译:if we manage to sell the tobacco.)

6. Lane lies to you, you sell his lies to Hunt. (翻译:you sell his lies to Hunt.)

7. Oh, my friend was taking the picture to sell but he had an accident (翻译:my friend was taking the picture to sell but he had an accident)

8. Where do you even sell something like that? (翻译:- Where do you even 你会去哪卖这东西? sell something like that?)

9. The eldest brother becomes, they sell you of Zhang (翻译:they sell you of Zhang)

10. Into the woods to sell a friend (翻译:# 去森林里 卖掉朋友 # # Into the woods to sell a friend #)

11. - Did they sell hats like that? (翻译:有卖那种帽子的吗 - 不知道 Did they sell hats like that?)

12. I can sell this load someplace else. (翻译:我可以把货卖给别人 I can sell this load someplace else.)

13. This is Patrolman Phillip Lu. I need to talk to Lieutenant Sell. (翻译:我是巡警Phillip Lu 我找Sell副队长)

14. To sell, fake certificate of deposits. (翻译:找齐四个人 To sell, fake certificate of deposits.)

15. She can sell it same as you can. (翻译:She can sell it same as you can.)




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