nosotropic是什么意思 nosotropic的中文翻译、读音、例句


nosotropic是什么意思 nosotropic的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:So many knots for so many seconds. (So many knots for so many seconds.)


例句:♪ So good, so good, so good ♪ (* So good, so good, so good *)


例句:So young, so strong, so fearless? (乔治既年轻 又强壮 又无畏 So young, so strong, so fearless?)


1. So young, so strong, so fearless? (翻译:乔治既年轻 又强壮 又无畏 So young, so strong, so fearless?)

2. - Since when were you so smart? (翻译:- This is so dumb. - Since when were you so smart?)

3. - is one of the warmest and closest of the tropic getaways. (翻译:是一种最温暖的 与最接近的热带度假胜地。)

4. So simply said, so calmly. (翻译:说得这么轻松这么平静 So simply said, so calmly.)

5. Usage in Scope: This product suits to the tropic fish. Such as: Dragon fish, Carte, Arhan, Parrot and so on, which belongs to the carnivore enjoyable fish and marin fish. (翻译:使用范围:本品适用于淡水鱼,如:龙鱼、地图、罗汉、血鹦鹉等偏肉食性观赏鱼和海水鱼。)

6. In African Africa, the main tropic tropical fruits now are bananas, pineapples and papayas . (翻译:在非洲,现在的主要的热带水果是香蕉,菠萝,和木瓜。)

7. It was the tail end of monsoon season, and the air was heavy and sticky with tropic moisture. (翻译:正当季风雨季的最后几天,热带的湿潮空气又闷又粘。)

8. COME on GUYS, LET'S so, so, so, so, COME on LETS so! (翻译:家伙来,让我们的SO,SO, SO,SO,来让如此!)

9. Move to where in between Tropic of capricorn and cancer to enjoy a moment once every year that in a line with the sun n earth. (翻译:搬家到南北回归线之间的地方居住,享受到每年一次与太阳地球连成一条线的机会。)

10. ~ Used to be so good and so bad ~ (翻译:# Used to be so good and so bad #)

11. d it's so painful d d when something So close d d is still so far out of reach d d oh, yeah d (翻译:♪When something so close♪ ♪And still so far out of reach♪ ♪Oh yeah♪)

12. How long do you think it'll take the tropic birds to stop coming here once they see their eggs eaten? (翻译:想想鸟儿看到蛋被我们吃了 有多久不会再回来?)

13. You're really Angel No. 1, so ferocious after being locked up for so long (翻译:so ferocious after being locked up for so long)

14. Take them here, so partnership is force (翻译:so partnership is force)

15. There are about 190 species of Diospyros in the world. They mainly distribute in the tropic and subtropic zone, especially in East Asia. (翻译:全世界的柿属植物共约190种,主要分布在热带和带,尤其是东亚。)




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