innit是什么意思 innit的中文翻译、读音、例句


innit是什么意思 innit的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , the following explanations for 'innit' as a word or abbreviation, as well as five examples in both Chinese and English.

1. Meaning:

'Innit' is a colloquial term commonly used in British English as a shortened form of 'isn't it.' It is often used as a tag question, which is a type of question that seeks confirmation, agreement, or disagreement from the listener. It is used to invite a response or to demonstrate a shared understanding of a statement or situation. It can also be used for emphasis, to express enthusiasm, or to convey irony.

2. Usage:

'Innit' is used in casual speech and informal writing, such as text messages, social media posts, and online forums. It is typically used among friends, acquaintances, and peers, rather than in formal or professional contexts. It is most commonly used in the present tense, but can also be used in the past tense, as in 'wasn't it.'

3. Pronunciation:

'Innit' is ounced as a contraction of 'isn't it,' with the stress on the final syllable '-it.' The 's' in 'isn't' is often dropped or ounced as a soft 'z' sound, depending on the speaker's accent and region.

4. Variations:

'Innit' can be spelled in various ways, such as 'innit,' 'init,' 'innet,' 'innit?' and 'isn't it?' depending on the speaker's preference and writing style. It can also be used with different tenses, such as 'wasn't it?' 'aren't they?' and 'don't you?' depending on the context.

5. Examples:


1. 我们要一起去看电影,好不好,是吧?(We're going to watch a movie together, innit?)

2. 现在天气真好,是吧?(The weather is really nice now, isn't it?)

3. 我们都是好朋友,是不是?(We're all good friends, innit?)

4. 这件事情真是太酷了,不是吗?(This is really cool, ain't it?)

5. 她非常聪明,是不是?(She's very smart, innit?)

English Examples:

1. I'm going shopping later, innit?

2. You're coming to the party, aren't you?

3. It's a nice day today, innit?

4. We're gonna win the game, ain't we?

5. They're really talented, aren't they?




1. You're coming to the party tonight, innit?

你今晚要来参加聚会,是不是2. It's really cold outside, innit?

外面真的很冷,是吧3. That's a great idea, innit?





例句:I was checking that you weren't no Feds, you was checking that I wasn't either, innit? (我查过了 你不是 你也查过我不是吧)


例句:We was robbed, innit? (我们被打劫了,是这样吗? )


例句:It's coming to something when the Mafia can't handle a little problem, innit? (美国的遇到点小问题就害怕成这样? 小问题?)

4.不是吗 、对不对

例句:Next year we're gonna make a killing. We got the Olympics coming, innit. (翻译:明年我们就要发大财了 奥运会来了 是不是)


1. It's coming to something when the Mafia can't handle a little problem, innit? (翻译:美国的遇到点小问题就害怕成这样? 小问题?)

2. Next year we're gonna make a killing. We got the Olympics coming, innit. (翻译:明年我们就要发大财了 奥运会来了 是不是)

3. Has been from the off, innit? (翻译:从最开始起就这样 对吧? Has been from the off, innit?)

4. So Jess can get the tube, innit? (翻译:所以 Jess 可以得到那 tube,不是吗?)

5. And this was in my hand afterwards, lt's real, innit? (翻译:这是在那之后我手上的东西 是真的,不是吗?)

6. That one is better, innit? (翻译:那个更好,不是吗? )

7. Doesn't look like it's going to close down, so, I mean, better the devil you know, innit? (翻译:这里一时半会还不会倒闭 总好过未知的噩梦吧)

8. Do you know, I don't think I have. And what a funny colour, innit? It's just... (翻译:我想没有 好有趣的颜色 不是吗 它...)

9. I was walking the dog, and this bloke comes up and says, "Nice day, innit?" (翻译:我在遛狗呢 然后这家伙过来说,天气好啊是吧)

10. They must stick that GSE bloke in him cell, innit? (翻译:他们肯定会把那几个西汉姆足球塞进他那间房 对吧?)

11. Phwoar! It's a bit of you, that, innit, all black and cramped and very sharp. (翻译:all black and cramped and very sharp.)

12. So you see, this cartoon is a statement against perfection. Deep innit? (翻译:所以你看,这幅漫画是一条反对完美的宣言。)

13. It's like Peyton Place, innit? (翻译:和《冷暖人间》【英国小说】里面一样,是吧?)


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