succentor是什么意思 succentor的中文翻译、读音、例句


succentor是什么意思 succentor的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:And well ent another 30 years on the new WTC! (之后再花个30年建新的世贸中心好了! )


例句:And to help me do that, I'd like to introduce to the stage a very specialist guest from the Queensland Voice Center, a man that's been in my mouth more times than I'd care to admit, a legend of the larynx, ENT doctor and laryngeal surgeon, Matthew Broadhurst. (为了帮助我做到这一点, 我要为大家介绍一个十分专业的嘉宾, 他来自昆士兰语音中心, 这男士接触我嘴巴的次数 比我愿意承认的还要多, 喉的传奇, 耳鼻喉科医生, 马修·布罗德赫斯特。)


例句:The content of ent-kaurane diterpenes was highest in A. squamosa L. (hainan). (贝壳杉烷型二萜成分以海南产圆滑番荔枝中含量最高。)


例句:EPX has been described as the most frequently observed symptom leading to emergency room consultation in an ENT clinic. (翻译:鼻衄一直以来被描述为耳鼻喉诊所急诊观察室最常见的就诊症状。)


1. The content of ent-kaurane diterpenes was highest in A. squamosa L. (hainan). (翻译:贝壳杉烷型二萜成分以海南产圆滑番荔枝中含量最高。)

2. EPX has been described as the most frequently observed symptom leading to emergency room consultation in an ENT clinic. (翻译:鼻衄一直以来被描述为耳鼻喉诊所急诊观察室最常见的就诊症状。)

3. I found three in Chiago, one an ENT, one a podiatrist, so.... (翻译:我在芝加哥找到3位 一位是耳鼻喉科 一位是足科,所以...)

4. Have you. Ent out invitations to our party? (翻译:你把聚会的请帖发出去了吗? )

5. As a common treatment technique in ent department, nasal cavity packing is often used for haemostasis both in patients with hemorrhinia and postoperative patients with bleeding. (翻译:鼻腔填塞是耳鼻喉科常用的治疗技术,鼻出血和鼻部手术后通常都需要采用鼻腔填塞止血。)

6. In this article we cloned two crucial gibberellins biosynthesis enzyme genes: ent - kaurene oxidase and 20 - oxidase, and we investigated their expression patterns. 1. (翻译:本文克隆了赤霉素生物合成途径中关键合成酶:贝壳杉烯氧化酶和20 -氧化酶,并研究了二者在果树生长发育中的表达规律。)

7. So my doctor got the ENT, the top guy at the clinic, to come down and give me surgery to move the tubes around my voice box. (翻译:所以医生找到了眼耳鼻喉科-- 这医院最顶尖的人才--过来 给我做手术 让这些管子绕过我的喉咙。)

8. Could you tell me where I can find an ENT appointed Dr. Barker? (翻译:请问你能告诉我 耳鼻喉科的 巴克医生的办公室在哪么?)

9. The content of ent-kaurane diterpenes was highest in A. squamosa L. (hainan). (翻译:贝壳杉烷型二萜成分以海南产圆滑番荔枝中含量最高。)

10. ResultThe top five departments in outpatient volume are internal medicine, ENT, paediatrics, emergency room and surgical. (翻译:结果1年中门诊量前5位的科室依次是内科、五官科、儿科、急诊科和外科;)

11. If not, ent... please enter number of minutes needed for target overruns. (翻译:是可以实现的 按之一 如果没有 耳鼻喉科 - 请输入分钟数 需要目标超支)

12. All that hard work, all that hardship, all the time ent underground, it wa all for the families. (翻译:这艰险的工作,其中巨大的艰辛,在地下度过的时光,都为了家人。)

13. can you afford to be green and buy differe- nt powders for differ- ent clothes? (翻译:你能负担的起为不同的衣服买不同的绿色洗衣粉吗?)

14. or tell the little girl that he loved her. and so she ent to the side of the great man. he looked at. (翻译:在她很小的时辰,他经例会扛着她,哼着歌曲舞蹈,并对于她说“我爱你,小丫头。”)

15. The children also need further evaluation by an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist. (翻译:孩子们也需要耳鼻喉科的专家进一步的检查。)






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