golfball是什么意思 golfball的中文翻译、读音、例句


golfball是什么意思 golfball的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源和词性:golfball是由golf和ball两个单词组成的复合名词,指的是高尔夫球。它是一个名词(n.),可数可单可复数。

2. 发音和拼写:golfball的发音为/ˈɡɒlf bɔːl/,其中golf的g音是有一些发音技巧的;拼写为g-o-l-f-b-a-l-l。

3. 含义和用途:golfball是高尔夫球的正式名称,是高尔夫运动必备的装备之一。它通常由三层或四层复合材料制成,饱满的表面上有许多凸起的圆点,以增加弹性和稳定性,让球飞得更远、更直。

4. 相关词汇和表达:与golfball相关的词汇主要有golf club(高尔夫球杆)、tee(球座)、golf course(高尔夫球场)、putt(推杆)等。在口语和文学作品中,还会出现一些比喻或隐喻的用法,如“the world is a golfball”,意为“世界就像高尔夫球一样轻轻松松地被人们推来推去”。

5. 实际应用场景:golfball是高尔夫运动中不可或缺的一部分,所以在高尔夫相关的场合中,如比赛、练习、俱乐部、赛事等,都会频繁使用到这个词汇。


1. He hit the golfball with a perfect swing and watched it soar into the blue sky.(他挥杆击中了高尔夫球,看着它在蓝天中飞翔。)

2. The golfball rolled to a stop just inches from the cup, leaving him with an easy putt.(高尔夫球滚到了距离杯口仅有几英寸的地方,让他只需轻松推杆即可。)

3. She picked up a handful of golf and tossed them into the bag, ready to head out to the driving range.(她捧起一把高尔夫球,投进袋子里,准备前往练习场。)

4. The golfball bounced off the trees and landed in the rough, forcing him to take an extra stroke.(高尔夫球弹在树上,落入草丛中,迫使他多击一杆。)

5. He felt a rush of excitement as he watched the golfball disappear into the cup, knowing he had just scored a hole-in-one.(他看着高尔夫球消失在杯中,感到激动万分,因为他刚刚完成了一杆进洞。)

golfball的中文翻译为高尔夫球,读音为ɡɔlf bɔl。


1. He hit the golfball with precision.


2. The golfball landed just a few feet away from the hole.





例句:♪ with a ball I had thrown at you ♪ (♪ with a ball I had thrown at you ♪)


例句:We still on for golf next week? (下周还去打高尔夫吗 We still on for golf next week?)


例句:It's not too big -- about the size of a golf ball. (它并不是很大, 大概只有高尔夫球大小。)


例句:This is a Scottish castle where people are playing golf indoors, and the trick was to bang the golf ball off of suits of armor -- which you can't see there. (翻译:这是一座苏格兰城堡,人们在里面玩高尔夫 规则是要把高尔夫球从一身中世纪铠甲上打下来 你们在那儿可能看不太清 )


1. It's not too big -- about the size of a golf ball. (翻译:它并不是很大, 大概只有高尔夫球大小。)

2. This is a Scottish castle where people are playing golf indoors, and the trick was to bang the golf ball off of suits of armor -- which you can't see there. (翻译:这是一座苏格兰城堡,人们在里面玩高尔夫 规则是要把高尔夫球从一身中世纪铠甲上打下来 你们在那儿可能看不太清 )

3. A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, AS in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin. (翻译:上部击球击于球中心以上的抽球,使球向前旋转,例如在高尔夫或网球中)

4. She was so tight you could have bounced a golf ball off of her. (翻译:噢,老兄,她紧张到... 你甚至弹个高尔夫球到她身上 她也不会有反应)

5. I don't know, 'cause of, uh, the stupid Purity Ball thing? (翻译:the stupid Purity Ball thing?)

6. In the boss' office, we did find the golf ball that was stepped over. (翻译:在老板的办公室 我们真的找到那个踩扁了的高尔夫球)

7. Welcome to Ball State, guys. (翻译:欢迎莅临Ball State大学, 同志们,小弟Marcus Welcome to Ball State, guys.)

8. And this corresponded to a tumor the size of a golf ball. (翻译:与此对应的 是一个高尔夫球大小的肿瘤。)

9. I came in like a wrecking ball (翻译:#I came in like a wrecking ball#)

10. Or any of the other guys from the golf club. (翻译:还有那些高尔夫俱乐部的伙计呢 Or any of the other guys from the golf club.)

11. Been busy lately, no time. (翻译:{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Do you keep on playing golf? no time for it)

12. This is a Scottish castle where people are playing golf indoors, and the trick was to bang the golf ball off of suits of armor -- which you can't see there. (翻译:这是一座苏格兰城堡,人们在里面玩高尔夫 规则是要把高尔夫球从一身中世纪铠甲上打下来 你们在那儿可能看不太清)

13. That's roughly the difference between a golf ball and a fine grain piece of sand. (翻译:差不多是一个高尔夫球 和一粒沙子大小的区别。)

14. Some of us may fall, so that all of us may ball. (翻译:so that all of us may ball.)

15. They had a golf tournament. (翻译:举行内部高尔夫友谊赛 They had a golf tournament.)




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