shutting是什么意思 shutting的中文翻译、读音、例句


shutting是什么意思 shutting的中文翻译、读音、例句

Shutting 可以指 "关闭" 或 "关闭状态",也可以作为缩写词,比如 Shutting Down 可以指 "关闭电脑"。

以下是我从三个方面分别分析 Shutting 的用法及例句:

1. 动词 "关闭"

- The store is shutting early for the holiday. (这家商店为了节假日提前关门了。)

- Can you please shut the window? It's getting chilly. (你能不能把窗户关上?外面开始变冷了。)

- The supervisor told us to shut down the machines for the night. (主管让我们把机器关掉,晚上不用了。)

- He shut the door behind him and walked out. (他走出门,后面关上了门。)

- Can you shut off the music? I need to focus. (你能把音乐关掉吗?我需要集中精力。)

2. 名词 "关闭状态"

- The shuttings on the windows prevent any light from coming in. (窗户的遮光板防止阳光进来。)

- The store's shuttings were securely locked for the night. (在晚上,商店的门窗都被牢牢地锁上了。)

- The shuttings on the door were so heavy that it was hard to open it. (门上的防盗板很厚,很难打开。)

3. 缩写词 "Shutting Down"

- I'm shutting down the computer now, it's time to go to bed. (我现在要关电脑了,该睡觉了。)

- The engineer said the system will be shutting down for maintenance. (工程师说系统要进行维护,需要关闭。)

- The company is shutting down its factory in China and moving to another country. (这家公司正在关闭中国的工厂,转移到另外一个国家。)

- The customer service line will be shutting down at 5pm today. (今天晚上5点,将会关闭。)

- The power company will be shutting down the electricity for a few hours tonight. (今晚电力公司将会停电几个小时。)

以上是关于 Shutting 的用法以及例句,英语老师可以根据实际情况进行适当扩展。




1. The store is shutting at 9 pm tonight. (这家商店今晚9点关门。)

2. He was furious about the government's plan to shut down the hospital. (他对关闭医院的计划感到愤怒。)

3. I heard a loud banging noise and then the door shutting. (我听到一声巨响,然后门关上了。)

4. The company is shutting down its operations in the region due to financial losses. (由于财务亏损,公司将关闭在该地区的业务。)




例句:The FBI, our federal government, they're gonna go in and they're shutting these places down. (联邦调查局,联邦, 他们会去和他们把这些地方了。)


例句:Mum, Ben keeps shutting me out of the bedroom! (妈,本老不让我进卧室! )


例句:By striking this weakness, it heightens the sword's aura, shutting down an enemy's movement. (触及那份软弱后威力渐长的剑气 能让对方动弹不得)


例句:If Leroy is hearing Aloha Oe, he is shutting down like a car wash in a rainstorm. (翻译:如果李洛伊听到阿罗哈 他如同洗车机器于暴雨时自动关闭)


shutting一般作为名词、动词使用,如在shutting in(na. 把…关进去;围住;遮住;迫近\n[网络] 排除)、shutting away(un. 把…卸下来;不让)、shutting clack(闭断瓣)等常见短语中出现较多。

shutting inna. 把…关进去;围住;遮住;迫近\n[网络] 排除
shutting awayun. 把…卸下来;不让
shutting clack闭断瓣
shutting down[化] 停工
shutting flap关断瓣
shutting offna. 关上(自来水,收音机,煤气等);使隔离\n[网络] 来关闭;方式来关闭
shutting outna. 关在外头;遮得看不见;【棒球】不让得分\n[网络] 排除
shutting out of被关在……外面(shut是shut的过去分词)
shutting post[网络] 关门横木


1. By striking this weakness, it heightens the sword's aura, shutting down an enemy's movement. (翻译:触及那份软弱后威力渐长的剑气 能让对方动弹不得)

2. If Leroy is hearing Aloha Oe, he is shutting down like a car wash in a rainstorm. (翻译:如果李洛伊听到阿罗哈 他如同洗车机器于暴雨时自动关闭)

3. I am simply shutting out the light, Mr Booth. (翻译:我只是用它挡住光线 布斯先生 I am simply shutting out the light, Mr Booth.)

4. As the sun drops further in the sky the aspens cottonwoods and maples start shutting down for the winter. (翻译:当做太阳远落天边 白杨、三角叶杨和枫树 开始为过冬落叶)

5. Shut up with all your not shutting up. (翻译:你们这些人都给我闭嘴. {\fnTahoma\fs10\bord0\shad0\1cH00FFFF}Shut up with all your not shutting up.)

6. I've shutting Diana out the same way all this time. (翻译:这么长时间以来,我用了同样的方式将戴安娜拒之门外。)

7. The computer did not resync because the time service was shutting down. (翻译:此计算机没有重新同步,因为时间服务被停止。)

8. It sure must be fun shutting people up and ordering them around. (翻译:让别人闭嘴,然后自己 发号施令,一定很有趣)

9. She is very reclusive, to the point of shutting me out of her life. (翻译:她很喜欢独处,到了要把我排斥在她的生活之外的程度。)

10. Dr. Sussman, I heard that they were shutting us down. (翻译:萨斯曼医生,我听说他们打算中止我们进行实验)

11. You can't accomplish anything by shutting kids off from their... [CROWD SHOUTING] (翻译:你们是无法达成目地的的 光是要孩子们放弃)

12. The Hartig and Chen-Lupino babies, their kidneys are shutting down. (翻译:Hartig和Chen -Lupino的婴儿 他们的肾正在衰竭)

13. And he, using his back legs, folds it over and glues its two edges together, shutting the eggs inside. (翻译:folds it over shutting the eggs inside.)

14. But it survives here by shutting down some parts of its brain and increasing the blood supply to others. (翻译:但它可以让脑袋上的 某些部分暂时休息 来为其他部分提供血液 以此存活下来)

15. And he certainly questions the diminishing of his virility, what the Dutch call "the shutting of the door. " (翻译:并且他一定会担心自己的男儿气概在不断衰减。按荷兰人的说法,就是“门在慢慢关上。”)




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