tigri是什么意思 tigri的中文翻译、读音、例句


tigri是什么意思 tigri的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Tigri是一个名词,指的是一种温带地区的洋品种鱼,尤其指的是鲑科中的一种鲑鱼。

2. 词性:Tigri是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:没有常见的词组搭配。

4. 短语:没有常见的短语。

5. 发音拼写:Tigri的发音是/tɪɡrɪ/,拼写为“tig-ree”。


1. The restaurant's special is Tigri salmon, which is caught fresh daily from local waters.(这家餐厅的招牌菜是Tigri鲑鱼,每天都是从当地的水域新鲜捕捞的。)

2. Tigri salmon is known for being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health.(Tigri鲑鱼因富含对心脏健康有益的欧米茄-3脂肪酸而闻名。)

3. The local fishing industry relies heavily on the Tigri salmon catch to support their livelihoods.(当地渔业严重依赖于Tigri鲑鱼的捕捞来维持他们的生计。)

4. If you want to prepare Tigri salmon at home, make sure to remove the bones before cooking.(如果你想在家里烹饪Tigri鲑鱼,请在烹饪前将骨头去除。)

5. The Tigri salmon run typically occurs in late summer and early fall, when the fish migrate upstream to s.(Tigri鲑鱼的洄游通常发生在夏末和秋初,当时鱼群向上游迁徙产。)



1. The tigri is a fierce predator that hunts mostly at night.(老虎是一种凶猛的猎食者,大多在夜间狩猎。)

2. The tigri cubs were playful and curious, but still had a lot to learn from their mother.(老虎幼崽好玩又好奇,但仍需要从母亲那里学习很多。)

3. The tigri's stripes help it blend in with the tall gr and s of the forest.(老虎的条纹帮助它与森林中的高草和阴影融为一体。)




例句:Mammitis is apt to be confused with a breast carcinoma, Ti is made up 46^7%. (其中乳腺炎性变易与乳腺癌相混淆,本组有7例,占46.)


例句:"moonset Wu Ti frost sky, Jiangfeng fishing boat on the unhappy sleep" warm . (“月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠”的温馨。)


1. That was the only ti me i n my career I ever disobeyed a di rect order. (翻译:这是唯一的TI我I N我的职业生涯 我曾经违抗二RECT命令。)

2. I made you iron, I made you scrub. (翻译:我让你熨衣洗碗... Ti facevo stirare, ti facevo lavare...)

3. I had no ti me to wonder where the defensives back were. (翻译。)

4. Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do. (翻译:Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do.)

5. Take a taxi to Fuk Ti Road (翻译:再坐的士去九龙塘福地道 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Take a taxi to Fuk Ti Road)

6. So Ti La So Fa Mi, La, La, La Mi Re. (翻译:So Ti La So Fa Mi, La, La, La Mi Re.)

7. This is Ti-Ti. Oh, come now! None of that shy stuff. (翻译:这是踢踢, 噢,来嘛 没见过这么害羞的小家伙)

8. * Piensa que tal vez manana * * estare muy lejos, muy lejos de aqui. * * which means... * (翻译:Piensa que tal vez manana Yoya estare lejos Muy lejos de ti Which means...)

9. and then. ask Wong Ti to testify against Su. right? (翻译:然后再由王弟举报苏国荣 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}and then. ask Wong Ti to testify against Su. right?)

10. # Voglio sapere come sei, sapere cosa ti succede, e, alla fine # # che tu mi conosca e che ti innamori di me # (翻译:我想知道你是怎样的人 也想知道你最近过得好不好 并让我们相识相爱)

11. # Tutte le notti vado a dormire e ti cerco nel mio letto # (翻译:多少个夜晚我从梦中醒来 从未发现你就在身旁)

12. We can buy some ti me i n that noisy coastal traffic, but we're gonna have to go deeper. (翻译。我们可以买一些TI我,我n表示嘈杂沿海 流量,们得去更深。)

13. Have you seen a girl here? (翻译:你已经在这里见到 grI 吗? 你已经在这里见到一个女孩 吗?)

14. I mean, did I ever forbid you to wash a load'? (翻译:...我发誓不洗衣服... ...dico ti ho mai vietato di fare un bucato...)

15. "a Imost nose to nose with the ti ny little fish. " (翻译:那些夹钳是干什么的 它们能使轮子发动起来)




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