shafts是什么意思 shafts的中文翻译、读音、例句


shafts是什么意思 shafts的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:'shafts'作为名词,常指轴或者轴线。可以拓展为比喻含义。

2. 用途:'shafts'可以用于各种物理学、工程学、机械学、建筑学等相关领域,描述轴的特性、用途、材料等方面。

3. 常见词组:shaft drive (轴传动)、shaft rotation (轴旋转)、lift shaft (电梯轴)、mining shaft (矿井井筒)、shaft horsepower (轴马力)、blind shaft (盲井)、ventilation shaft (通风井)等。


1. The motor is connected to the shaft by a belt. (电机通过皮带与轴相连。)

2. The mining company has drilled a new shaft to access deeper veins. (矿业公司钻了一口新的井以开采更深的矿脉。)

3. The lift shaft is located in the center of the building. (电梯井位于建筑物的中心。)

4. The ventilation shaft provides fresh air to the underground tunnels. (通风井为地下隧道提供新鲜空气。)

5. The motor produces 100 shaft horsepower, enough to power the machine. (电机产生100轴马力,足以驱动这台机器。)




1. These shafts are made of high-quality steel.(这些轴是由高品质的钢制成的。)

2. The engine's shaft turned slowly, powering the wheels.(引擎的轴缓慢旋转,为车轮提供动力。)

3. The mining company is planning to dig deeper shafts to reach the ore.(采矿公司正在计划挖掘更深的井筒以达到矿石。)




例句:For miles on end they trot in the sun or rain, head down, dragging at the shafts, with the sweat dripping from their grey moustaches . (他们顶着太阳或者冒着雨一路小跑,一口气就是几英里,低着头拉车,灰白胡子上往下滴着汗水。)


例句:The driving consists of synchronous belt, gearwheel device and universal shafts with high driving efficiency and low consumption. (同步带、齿轮箱万向轴联轴器相结合传动型式,传动效率高,构件损耗低。)


例句:Within a matter of weeks the canopy has closed and only a few wheeling shafts of light penetrate the woodland. (再过几个星期,树冠层重新遮蔽天空, 透到地面的只有丝丝缕缕的阳光)


例句:She wasn't born on the Carrucan plantation. She was raised by a German mistress, the Von Shafts. (翻译:她不是在卡洛肯庄园出生 她由德国女主人冯夏夫养大)


shafts一般作为名词使用,如在drive shafts(na. 【机】主动轴\n[网络] 金属传动轴)、elevator shafts([矿业] 升降机井,电梯井)、hail shafts([网络] 冰雹轴)等常见短语中出现较多。

drive shaftsna. 【机】主动轴\n[网络] 金属传动轴
elevator shafts[矿业] 升降机井,电梯井
hail shafts[网络] 冰雹轴
inboard shafts[网络] 内侧轴
inner shafts内轴
lift shafts升降机井;电梯竖升;电梯井道;升降机槽
line shafts[网络] 梅花形弹性联轴器
outboard shaftsun. 外侧轴
parallel shafts行轴


1. Within a matter of weeks the canopy has closed and only a few wheeling shafts of light penetrate the woodland. (翻译:再过几个星期,树冠层重新遮蔽天空, 透到地面的只有丝丝缕缕的阳光)

2. She wasn't born on the Carrucan plantation. She was raised by a German mistress, the Von Shafts. (翻译:她不是在卡洛肯庄园出生 她由德国女主人冯夏夫养大)

3. As the mouse ball in the bottom of the mouse rolls over the mouse Dad, it presses against and turns two shafts. (翻译:当鼠标底部的鼠标球开始旋转的时候,有两个轴将会受到挤压并发生旋转。)

4. For the dimensions of the double extention worm shafts, please consider the drawing of relevant NMRV size. (翻译:所有双出轴蜗杆的尺寸,请参考NMRV的相关图纸。)

5. Shafts of sunlight pierced the heavy mist. (翻译:缕缕阳光穿透了浓雾。)

6. And it's a huge network of underground rivers, channels, big rooms, extremely deep shafts. (翻译:那里地下河纵横交错, 沟渠遍布,石室众多, 还有非常深的岩井。)

7. Since we can't trust the accuracy of these drawings based on my walking around, these are the shafts we have to clap an eyeball on. (翻译:蓝图不可靠,我自己走了一趟 这些是肉眼看得见的通气管)

8. A pair of spur gears for mounting on parallel shafts are the most common type of gears, which have straight teeth. (翻译:安装在两根平行轴上的直齿轮最常见的齿轮,这种齿轮带直齿。)

9. Concrete Lining Construction for Shafts of Headrace Tunnel at Bakun Hydropower Station (翻译:巴贡水电站引水隧洞竖井群混凝土衬砌施工技术)

10. Techniques for Precasting and Installation of Pier Shafts of Non-Navigable Spans of Shanghai Changjiang River Bridge (翻译:上海长江大桥水上非通航孔墩身预制安装技术)

11. We drill shafts deep into the crust, and fill them... with explosive. (翻译:沿着这里的裂缝 用挖掘船钻上无数深孔 装上)

12. A decrease in the effects of electrical switching on torsional oscillations of shafts during fast valving is advantageous to fast valving. (翻译:在快关过程中减小电气切换操作对轴系扭振的影响,是保证快关汽门顺利进行的积极措施。)

13. the first and second annulate shafts are located into the axile bush and are set to this revolution axis respectively. (翻译:一第一及第二扣环轴向定位于所述扇框的轴套内且分别卡置于该转轴上。)

14. Freddie knew lots of other abandoned mine shafts. (翻译:弗莱迪很熟悉这里和其他... 非常隐密的废弃矿井)

15. You must approach the base from the top. There are mined ventilation shafts at the top. (翻译:你们必须从顶部靠近根据地 顶部有很多地雷)




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