uric是什么意思 uric的中文翻译、读音、例句


uric是什么意思 uric的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Uric是一种有机化合物,通常由鸟类、爬行动物和昆虫等动物的新陈代谢废物中产生。

2. 化学性质:Uric是一种呈白色至结晶的物质,可溶于碱性水溶液和硫酸,但难溶于水和乙醇。

3. 医学意义:高尿酸血症是一种常见的代谢性疾病,与尿酸盐的积累和痛风等疾病有关。

4. 食品:尿酸也存在于某些食物中,例如鱼、肉、海鲜和啤酒等。


1. High levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to gout and kidney damage. (血液中尿酸水平过高可导致痛风和肾损害。)

2. Birds excrete uric acid as a white paste rather than urine. (鸟类将尿酸出来的是白色的膏状物而不是尿液。)

3. Uric acid is a waste product that is produced when the body breaks down purines. (尿酸是当身体分解嘌呤时产生的废物。)

4. Certain foods, such as red meat, organ meats, and seafood, can increase uric acid levels in the body. (某些食物,如红肉、内脏肉和海鲜,可以增加身体中的尿酸水平。)

5. Medications such as allopurinol can help lower uric acid levels in the blood. (阿罗保罗等药物可以帮助降低血液中的尿酸水平。)




1. High levels of uric acid in the body can lead to gout.


2. Uric acid is a waste product that is excreted from the body through the urine.





例句:uric acid can not be promptly excreted to sodium the form of precipitation down, easy to trigger the formation of stones or gout. (尿酸不能及时排出钠的形式沉淀下来,容易触发形成结石或痛风。)


例句:The results suggest that it may be appropriate to prescribe uric acid–lowering drugs, such as allopurinol and probenecid , to these otherwise healthy individuals. (结果表明,合适的做法可能是明尿酸,降低药物,如别嘌呤醇和丙磺舒,这些健康的人。)


例句:Objective To determine the quantity of uric protein with pyrogallol red. (目的应用邻苯三酚红法测定尿蛋白。)


例句:Previous studies have linked high levels of uric acid and hypertension, but they did not include a large number of blacks. (翻译:以前有研究发现高尿酸血症与高血压之间有关系,但是这些研究都没有包括足够数量的黑人。)


uric一般作为形容词使用,如在uric acid([化] 尿酸\n[医] 尿酸)、uric acids([有化] 尿酸)、uric fermentation(尿发酵)等常见短语中出现较多。

uric acid[化] 尿酸\n[医] 尿酸
uric acids[有化] 尿酸
uric fermentation尿发酵
dimethyl uric acid二甲基尿酸
uric acid crystal尿酸结晶
uric acid diathesis[医] 尿酸素质
uric acid dyscrasia尿酸恶液质
uric acid infarct[医] 尿酸梗塞, 尿酸沉着
uric acid riboside[化] 尿酸核糖苷


1. Objective To determine the quantity of uric protein with pyrogallol red. (翻译:目的应用邻苯三酚红法测定尿蛋白。)

2. Previous studies have linked high levels of uric acid and hypertension, but they did not include a large number of blacks. (翻译:以前有研究发现高尿酸血症与高血压之间有关系,但是这些研究都没有包括足够数量的黑人。)

3. micturition interrupts companion ache or retention of urine suddenly: See at bladder, urethral stone or uric road eyewinker . (翻译:排尿突然中断伴疼痛或尿潴留:见于膀胱、尿道结石或尿路异物。)

4. in the body's metabolic process, then generate the decomposition of uric acid in purine excreted as urine. (翻译:然后生成在诸如尿液排出体外嘌呤尿酸分解。)

5. Objective: To explore the practical value of uric indican detection in the individual diet guidance. (翻译:目的:探讨尿靛甙检测在指导个体饮食营养中的应用。)

6. Uric acid (UA) is converted from xanthine, the degradation product of purine nucleotides, by the enzyme xanthine oxidase (XO). (翻译:尿酸,是嘌呤核苷酸经黄嘌呤氧化酶作用后的黄嘌呤核苷酸,再代谢所得之产物。)

7. Conclusion: The results of this population-based study suggest that serum uric acid is a strong and independent risk factor for diabetes. (翻译:结论:研究表明尿酸是糖尿病新的独立危险因素。)

8. Conclusion The uric acid can be influenced by long-term administration of Magnolia Officinalis water extract in rats. (翻译:结论长期服用厚朴水煎液对大鼠尿酸的影响较大。)

9. However, if excess uric acid is being produced or if the kidneys cannot remove enough of it, levels build up in the blood. (翻译:但是,如果尿酸产生过多或者肾脏排尿酸的能力不足,血中尿酸水平就会升高。)

10. According to the size exclusion effect, the PEMs have selectivity over H2O2 inthe presence of ascorbic acid and uric acid. (翻译:根据体积排除机理,聚电解质多层累积膜在抗坏血酸和尿酸存在下对H2O2有选择透过性。)

11. During the treatment, 88 percent of the patients experienced gout flares, which can happen for a while when uric acid levels are lowered. (翻译:治疗期间,88%的患者痛风复发,这可以在尿酸水平下降时暂时出现。)

12. The patients in the treatment group were treated with allopurinol or benzbromarone to control their uric acid to the normal range. (翻译:治疗组患者予别嘌呤醇控制血尿酸于正常范围内。)

13. AIM: To compare the effect and safety of tea-pigment and gemfibrozil in treating hyperlipidemia and complication of high uric acid. (翻译:目的:比较茶色素与吉非贝齐治疗高脂、高尿酸血症的疗效及其安全性。)

14. Having more meat especially pork and purtenance will increase the risks of being exposed to such invasions as hypertension, cardiopathy, high uric acid and etc. (翻译:而且,更多的进食肉类尤其是猪肉和内脏会增加患高血压、心脏病和尿酸的风险。)

15. The recrudescent rate that calculous form achievement makes uric road is affected increases greatly, cause remedial difficulty. (翻译:结石形成就使尿路感染的复发率大大增加,引起治疗的困难。)




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