festas是什么意思 festas的中文翻译、读音、例句


festas是什么意思 festas的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义: 'festas'是葡萄牙语中的一个单词,意思是“庆祝活动”或“庆典”。它通常用于描述盛大的宴会、庆典、纪念活动等等。

2. 用法变化:在英语中没有直接的对应词汇,但是可以将其翻译为“celebrations”、“festivities”、“parties”等等。很多时候也可以将其缩写为“fests”。

3. 形容词形式: 'festive'是一个形容词,用于描述节日气氛浓厚的场合。例如:“The holiday decorations made the room look very festive.”(节日装饰让房间看起来很有节日气氛)。

4. 相关词汇:与'festas'相关的词汇包括“celebration”(庆祝)、“party”(派对)、“carnival”(狂欢节)等等。这些词汇都可以用来描述庆祝或者狂欢的场合。

5. 文化差异:在不同的文化中,'festas'的表现形式和意义也可能会有所不同。例如,西班牙的“La Tomatina”节日就是一场由成千上万的人扔番茄的庆祝活动,而印度的“Holi”节日则是一场色彩缤纷的庆祝活动,人们在其中互相投掷彩色粉末和涂料。


1. The town's annual festival features a parade, fireworks, and other festive events.(镇上每年的节日庆典包括、烟火和其他欢庆活动。)

2. We're having a small get-together tonight to celebrate my sister's graduation.(今晚我们会有一个小型聚会庆祝我妹妹的毕业。)

3. The city is known for its lively carnival celebrations every year.(这个城市因每年热闹非凡的狂欢节而闻名。)

4. The winter holidays are traditionally a time of festive gatherings and family reunions.(冬季假日传统上是欢庆聚会和家庭团聚的时刻。)

5. In India, the festival of Diwali is a time of lighting candles, setting off fireworks, and enjoying festive foods.(在印度,排灯节是点燃蜡烛、放烟花和享用节日美食的时刻。)




1. We went to several festive parties during the holiday season.


2. The company held a big celebration to mark its 20th anniversary.





例句:Lefroy, there's a Tahitian Love Fest on at White's. (勒弗罗伊, 怀特家正在上演一场 塔西提爱的盛典)


例句:And after over a year of planning, two weeks of programming, carb-fest and all-night sessions, Tony drew again for the first time in seven years. (在超过一年的计划、 两个星期的编程、 快餐和通宵会议之后, 托尼在七年后第一次开始了绘画。)


例句:When KG berates Glen Davis into the famous tear fest, KG is merely being aggressive and driven, while Kobe is just a jerk. (当加内特痛斥格伦戴维斯的时候只是因为加内特的强好胜心和暴躁的脾气,其实科比也是一样。)


例句:Since 2006, Kavarna has slyly dubbed itself 'capital of rock', largely due to its annual Rock Fest. (翻译:自从2006年以来,卡瓦尔纳悄悄地给自己加上了“摇滚之都”的头衔,这主要是由于每年在此举行的摇滚节。)


1. When KG berates Glen Davis into the famous tear fest, KG is merely being aggressive and driven, while Kobe is just a jerk. (翻译:当加内特痛斥格伦戴维斯的时候只是因为加内特的强好胜心和暴躁的脾气,其实科比也是一样。)

2. Since 2006, Kavarna has slyly dubbed itself 'capital of rock', largely due to its annual Rock Fest. (翻译:自从2006年以来,卡瓦尔纳悄悄地给自己加上了“摇滚之都”的头衔,这主要是由于每年在此举行的摇滚节。)

3. Yawn-fest over here, he ain't been out since his ex-girlfriend Alison broke up with him over a year ago. (翻译:自从一年前他女朋友甩了他以后 他每天宁愿坐在那儿打哈欠也不出来)

4. And it was great, because at the beginning was this apology fest -- you know, scientists would tell designers, you know, I don't know what style is, I'm not really elegant. (翻译:结果很棒,因为一开始是道歉连连, 科学家告诉设计师: 我不知道何谓风格,我真的不够优雅。)

5. I was chatting to him like a regular person, so didn't want it turning into a fan-fest - do you know what I mean? (翻译:我和他像朋友一样交谈着,所以我不想把这关系变成追星——你明白我的意思吗?)

6. Believe it or not, but women are often in the mood for a quick fix instead of a long, drawn-out, mushy love fest. (翻译:不管你相信与否,女人总是更情愿闪电开战,而不是庸长乏味的缠绵不清。)

7. Second, Spring-Fest Evening Party is familiar with the old people, they like to see the familiar faces in the end of the year. (翻译:其次,春晚当中的一些老的面孔,他们希望在年底前能够看到这些熟悉的面孔。)

8. The way your face lit up when they announced that flesh-fest was being filmed not far from here. (翻译:你脸亮了起来, 当他们宣布 肉巨星 正在拍摄离这儿不远。)

9. You wouldn't want two tickets to Voodoo Fest, would you, Officer Sullos? (翻译:你不会刚好想要两张巫毒节的门票吧 Sullos警官)

10. Certain smells and foods can trigger anything from a queasy tummy to an all-out barf-fest. (翻译:某些特定的味道和食物会引发肚子里任何没有消化的全部呕吐出来。)

11. It's time for you to bore us with another spank fest. (翻译:现在是时候为你承担我们 另一个巴掌巨星。)

12. Mak-Fest in Stip and the Skopje Festival are the two best-known festivals of popular music in Macedonia. (翻译:Mak-FestinStip和theSkopjeFestival是马其顿流行音乐中最有名的盛会。)

13. I love Ingrid with all my heart and all her cute Martha Stewart-wannabe friends, but it's a real estrogen-fest over there. (翻译:我全身心的爱着英格利 还有她所有那些朋友们, 但是在那边真的是一个热闹的聚会)

14. I'm LeBron James, and welcome to the Big Apple Jam Fest. (翻译:我是勒布朗·詹姆斯 欢迎来到盛大的苹果酱节)

15. I used to run the Four Seasons group in Asia but after some point, you know, the corporate life becomes a bit of a snooze-fest. (翻译:我在亚洲经营过四季饭店集团 I used to run the Four Seasons group in Asia 企业生活就变得有点无聊 the corporate life becomes a bit of a snooze -fest.)




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