plinth是什么意思 plinth的中文翻译、读音、例句


plinth是什么意思 plinth的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Every floor area presses face of truncat of seeper of the metope outside building plinth above to calculate. (每层建筑面积按建筑物勒脚以上外墙面积水平截面计算。)


例句:This monumental plinth drastically changes the rooting of the currents that sweep its flanks (这座气势宏大的基柱 彻底改变了 从其两侧横扫的洋流的前进路线 它使得西来的克伦威尔寒流)


例句:The STDA program is used for thermal transmission simulation on the plinth and heat preservation structure of building in Xinjiang region. (运用STDA程序,对新疆地区建筑物勒脚部位,以及不同保温构造进行传热模拟。)


例句:In a small fishing village on the Caribbean coast of Venezuela stands a plinth. (翻译:委内瑞拉沿加勒比海的一个小渔村树立了一座雕像。)


plinth一般作为名词使用,如在plinth block(底座木块;踢脚墩;门贴脸座)、plinth course(墙基层(大方脚))、plinth stone(地伏)等常见短语中出现较多。

plinth block底座木块;踢脚墩;门贴脸座
plinth course墙基层(大方脚)
plinth stone地伏
plinth wall[建] 勒脚
plinth walling勒脚砌体
rubber plinth橡胶支座
support plinth承底座


1. The STDA program is used for thermal transmission simulation on the plinth and heat preservation structure of building in Xinjiang region. (翻译:运用STDA程序,对新疆地区建筑物勒脚部位,以及不同保温构造进行传热模拟。)

2. In a small fishing village on the Caribbean coast of Venezuela stands a plinth. (翻译:委内瑞拉沿加勒比海的一个小渔村树立了一座雕像。)

3. The courts were made of that. The skin is this series of layers that reflect even rusticated stonework, but which were embedded with fragments of the Constitution, which were part of the little process, all set on a plinth that defined it from the community. (翻译:法院大体有这些材料构成:表皮是许多层状结构 它们比较粗糙 其中刻了《宪法》的片段 这是我们做的细节处理的一部分 全部做在柱子的底座上,让它在社区中格外引人注目。)

4. On every plinth and pediment, the proud, symbolic populace stands firm. (翻译:在每一座建筑物的基石与山墙上,骄傲且具有象征意义的平民坚守在那里。)

5. bobbin bogie blow down valve blower boiler room boiling point bollard bollard light bollard plinth (翻译:放泄阀;排水阀吹风机;鼓风机绕线管转向架锅炉房沸点)

6. The tool with the main est apiculture is beehive and mew plinth . (翻译:养蜂最基本的工具是蜂箱和巢础。)

7. This decoration work is characterized by rough granolithic pavement, pollution prevention, marble finishing for big diameter round column and plinth. (翻译:仿石毛面砖的铺贴与防染、大直径圆柱用大理石饰面与勒脚,是本工程装饰的重点。)

8. Cornice and plinth rail help create a uniform expression when two or more units are connected together . (翻译:檐板和踢脚板设计风格统一,使多件产品组合连接时浑然一体。)

9. Behind Nike, the bust of Zeus on a plinth. (翻译:后面是一尊放置在柱基上的宙斯半身像。)

10. Basically, I'm saying I don't think anyone has done as much as the Bond people to make sure cars have their own plinth in the cinema hall of fame. (翻译:总的来说 我不认为还有谁能像邦德剧组一样 坚信汽车是他们电影伟业的基石)

11. A security guard stands on a carpeted plinth, his face shielded from the sun by a parasol. (翻译:一名保安站在铺着地毯的岗台上,阳伞遮住了头上的阳光。)

12. The move aims to become the fourth plinth of symbol of contemporary art. (翻译:这一举措旨在使第四柱基能成为当代艺术的代表符号。)

13. The courts were made of that. The skin is this series of layers that reflect even rusticated stonework, but which were embedded with fragments of the Constitution, which were part of the little process, all set on a plinth that defined it from the community. (翻译:法院大体有这些材料构成:表皮是许多层状结构 它们比较粗糙 其中刻了《宪法》的片段 这是我们做的细节处理的一部分 全部做在柱子的底座上,让它在社区中格外引人注目。)






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