canthi是什么意思 canthi的中文翻译、读音、例句


canthi是什么意思 canthi的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Vu thi says 12 UNICEF experts are included in this list. (她说,12名儿童基金会的专家也在这名单上。)


例句:I was the sixth-born child Phung Thi Le Ly and I lived in the most beautiful village on earth. (我是家中第六个孩子... ...冯希黎里... 生活在世上最美丽的村庄里。)


例句:Can she.. can she stay with us? (Can she.. can she stay with us? 他能。)


canthi一般作为名词使用,如在dystopia canthi(眦错位)等常见短语中出现较多。

dystopia canthi眦错位


1. Can she.. can she stay with us? (翻译:Can she.. can she stay with us? 他能。)

2. This concentration of stre further accelerates cartilage wear with thi ing of outer layers and propagation of cracks and fi ures in the deeper layers. (翻译:集中的应有尽有力进一步加速外民支软骨磨损及变薄,也加速深层碎裂和裂隙的扩布。)

3. - I can see the sin as surely as God can. (翻译:l can see the sin as surely as God can.)

4. Conidering the importance of GPS to military and civilian uer alike, thi debate i not likely to end anytime oon. (翻译:考虑到GPS对于军事和民用用户的同等重要性,空军的这次辩论是不太可能很快结束的。)

5. You can call me Z, you can come and try (翻译:/You can call me Z, you can come and try)

6. Last night you thi well resolved inner struggle. (翻译:昨天晚上你氏 很好的解决内心的挣扎。我看到了。)

7. She can sell it same as you can. (翻译:She can sell it same as you can.)

8. "It's ridiculous," said Tran Thi Phuong, 38, a Hanoi insurance agent. (翻译:“太可笑了”,河内三十八岁的保险经纪人Tran Thi Phuong表示。)

9. Thi is an example of an even-parity format, but other computers use the check bit to produce an oll parity. (翻译:这是一个偶校验的例子,而其他计算机也可使用校验位生成奇校验。)

10. After market research, he and a friend co-founded, "Nguyen Thi sword" storefronts, began to put market position abroad. (翻译:经过市场调研,他和一个朋友共同创办“阮氏刀剑”网店,开始就把市场定位在国外。)

11. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. (翻译:深呼吸 You can breathe, 眨眨眼 you can blink, 哭一哭 you can cry.)

12. ♪ you know I said it's true ♪ ♪ I can feel the power, can you feel it, too? ♪ (翻译:♪ I can feel it all, I can feel it all ♪)

13. I beg you, can not report to the police (翻译:can not report to the police)

14. Well, if anybody can, you can. (翻译:你最有资格代他说话 Well, if anybody can, you can.)

15. Uh, can you tell me anything, uh, noteworthy about the Russos? (翻译:can you - - can you tell me)




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